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Sharing at tip... - Samantha

Posted: Jun 17, 2015

I just wanted to share something that I discovered that works well for me.

Aside from my typing skills, I am also a graphic artist.  I love to draw and do drawings on my computer.  For this, I use a TracBall-style mouse.  It is a stationary mouse that has the ball on the top.  It is used for precision when working with graphics.  

While it definitely takes some time to get used to, it has also proven to be a great way to speed up pointing and clicking in my working with reports.  It moves very fast and seems to get me places a little quicker than the push-style mouse.

Ya'll should check it out!  :-)

I think - that

[ In Reply To ..]
someone just goes through all of these postings and places a "dislike" on everything, no matter what the subject matter is. How could anyone dislike something like this??? It does not make any sense, unless someone is so negative in their lives that they have to dislike everything. gees almighty!

You can also adjust the pointer speed - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
If your traditional mouse doesn't get there fast enough, adjust Windows' mousing speed. That will increase the distance the pointer travels compared to the distance the mouse itself travels. It will fly.

Trackballs are far faster... - Linda

[ In Reply To ..]
than using a mouse, and ergonomic. I gave up on the mouse decades ago and will never go back. I've been using a Logitec marble "mouse" trackball for years and love it.

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