Partial unemployment - work starts to dwindle - Me
Posted: Jun 01, 2013
If you are hired to work a 40 hour week and the work starts to dwindle, does anyone know when you can contact unemployment to collect partial unemployment...have also asked for a secondary account and have not heard a word going on 3 weeks of not getting in my full 40 hours and am so in NJ, if anyone has any info...thanks so much!
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Are you an IC? If so, probably no unemployment insurance has been paid. I doubt seriously if you can collect anything. If you are paid hourly I still doubt it. Maybe in NJ the rules are different but here in florida, no way.
Must be employee status - work less than 40 hours
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I just filed in Oregon.
-- Have to work less than 40 hours a week.
-- Have to earn less than your weekly benefit. (mine is a whoppin 350 a week).
It is good to apply if you think you might need it. If you wait until you have a long time of low work, your benefit drops. You can apply and lock in a rate for 12 months (was told this by UE person when I called and was applying/inquiring).
I was an IC and collected UE - UE office felt I was misclassified
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So, it depends. Even as an IC, you can apply and see if they misclassified you.
who is "they"? - me
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What do you mean by they misclassified you. Please give more detail as to what you mean. thanks
Unemployment - me
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Here is my whopping unemployment check, 168/week. I worked at Nuance, hired to work full time, but because there was hardly any work, I had so little pay that when I got terminated after 3 years, (long story), I only qualified for 168/week (BEFORE taxes). Now, because of the sequestration, my second tier will only be about 150/week. I can't find a job and I can't afford to pay my "bundle" payment of 136.00 in order to find a job on the internet. They made me commit to two more years in order to take off 30 dollars when I was paying 173 dollars a month a couple of months ago.
??? - what???
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please explain more clearly. what "bundle" payment are you speaking of???
Probably means her cable bill with - internet as part of
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the "bundle" of services.
So go back to them and explain the situation - chances are good they will work with you
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Comcast has a unit, whose name escapes me right now (and I'm assuming you have Comcast, but probably TimeWarner has the same thing) which basically has the ability to keep customers no matter what they have to do. If you go to them, explain that you were laid off and need to keep the internet and cancel everything else, they will work with you, I'd be willing to bet.
Get rid of the TV, get rid of the phone. Get a Tracfone. They have phones you can buy for $10 and then get double minutes so every time you buy 30 minutes you get 60. I don't talk on the phone much so this was a godsend for me rather than a monthly payment. It wasn't the greatest phone on the planet, but it worked and it was CHEAP. You can live without pay TV for a long time - again, I did the same thing when I was laid off a couple of years ago. If you have internet, you can watch your shows on the network website or on Youtube or Hulu. There are lots and lots of options.
Good luck to you. I've been where you are and it's scary. Sending you best wishes for a job very quickly.
Thank you - me
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I will call them tomorrow, its Cox Cable, yes bundle is phone, internet and TV. At the time I got it, I was working but now all I need is the internet and hopefully no phone. But I doubt these people will help me. They won't believe me and probably won't do anything for me. If it was that easy to just tell them you lost your job or don't have enough money, everyone would be doing it. But I will persist. I will let you know what they say on tomorrow's posting after I talk to them.
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