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MTs are being phased out, but there is an overall decline... - Sloppy

Posted: Sep 27, 2013

Of note is this advertisement, but it's just a small sample: The JOHNNIE WALKER Company is asking all car owners with driver's license,who are above 20 years of age to advertise with there car for JOHNNIE WALKER.you will be receiving $400 weekly as the payment methos for allowing JOHNNIE WALKER wrap your car,if interested email back asap.

Perhaps a benefit of working for - Johnnie Walker

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is free shots of the stuff during work hours. Wow.

Refuse to wrap my 2014 BMW in JW ads - $400 week not enough

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to ghetto out your ride.

Wrapping Car - greyhoundmom

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I saw on one of the court shows a person had their car wrapped. When they took off the wrap, some of the paint came with it. They probably don't tell you this. I can't remember who won the case.

If you can afford a - 2014 BMW

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you are not an MT.
Wrong, I have and I am - Aimee
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My very significant other bought for me.
Aimee - RJ
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and this is somehow important because...?
You need to ask others, was answering them - Wsjs
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well now don't be ctirical, she should have been looking for love - in all the wrong places and come up with BMW
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Had the love first, BMW came second - Aimee
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Not even looking for love, it found me. Cannot help if that is the car he likes for me to have.
sugar daddy is what sugar daddy does. - where can I get one?
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BMW that is.
and that makes you - what??
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if it is true "love", get married, and do not accept expensive gifts from someone you will not commit to. Gold digger comes to mind, among a few other tidbit names. not saying you are, but appearances mean a lot about a person's character. and bragging about your possessions shows another side of a person's character. not good.
That makes me a happily married woman whose husband - bought her a nice car
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I have no clue where you got accepting expensive gifts from someone not committed to. Gold digger? Where are you getting these terms and why do you think those pertain to me? I answered about wrapping a new car for $400.00 per month and stated would not do and suddenly I am a gold digger and other names?
this is for the BMW woman - who stated
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unequivocally it was from a "significant other" (not husband), who GAVE her a BMW.
Please read what a significant other can mean - Can mean whole host of
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things including mate, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse. I don't have to take back something you don't seem to know the meaning of.
Not many people refer to their spouses as - Significant others..they
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usually say my husband or wife or even my other half, which is why it sounded like a sugar daddy.
For one thing - you led everyone to
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believe that you were not in a committed relationship by only stating "very significant other" and that person wanting you to have a nice car. That insinuated that you were NOT married to the person who "gave" you the car, and also led to the not so nice names. Now you are back-pedaling and say that you ARE married, and the gift was from your husband, which I now do not believe.

Secondly, even if the car did come from your "husband," a 2014 BMW constitutes the wealthy, and IF you are truly an MT, you do not need to be, as your "spouse" should have enough income so that you can dwell in the midst of your possessions without the worry of providing for yourself and/or children in this dwindling field. Many of us are starving and close to losing our homes, and for someone to come on and start bragging about their obvious wealth, is an insult to those of us who are struggling. Talk about pouring salt into the wounds of those of us who have nothing left to give!! ugh!
Care less what you believe and yes, he is my very - significant other
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and has been for many years. Believe what you want, not my issue. Strange how significant other has to mean just one thing, right? Look it up, it can mean husband, spouse, girlfriend, mate among other things. No one led you to anything, just upset you apparently do not know the meaning of significant other and want to make it fit your mold. You're just wrong.
You would have been better off to just say - see msg
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"I refuse to wrap my car around a pole." But instead you came off to sound boastful by saying "my 2014 BMW."

There are people here who are trying to start completely over in new careers because of the changes that have taken place in transcription and it's hard.

I'm sure it's a blessing that your husband apparently makes good money and so apparently you have not felt the pain of the pay cuts and loss of jobs that many MTs have. It's just about being considerate of other peoples feelings - If you know there are people reading these boards who don't know how they are going to make next month's rent or mortgage, then maybe boasting about your 2014 BMW is not a good idea.
Completely answering question about car being - wrapped by ads
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I have seen trucks, SUVs, cars and the like just completely covered with ads and I thought the person was being truthful in saying someone was offering $400.00 per month for covering your car with ads. I should have said maybe my older model car and that would have been okay even though not truthful. I was first told I was not an MT, then when I said about significant someone called me called gold digger, surely you could not call your husband significant other, so I must be just out for what I can get. These boards have remained basically unchanged for the past 8 or more years. I have lost MT jobs before. That has happened to me along with others and will continue to happen. I guess when you say be considerate of others people can come here and say I have a sugar daddy when I say significant other, be a gold digger, guess that is alright but me, I tell the truth and then I should be more considerate?
There are not people out there as fortunate as you - and if you have been
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coming to these boards for 8 or 9 years, you ought to know that its not what you say, it's how you say it (in this case posting, but you catch my drift). Some subject matters are just sensitive on these boards - I picked up on that right away and I have only known of this site for a couple years.

Also, the term significant others is typically used when people are trying to be discrete about their relationship so its no surprise that a person would assume you had a sugar daddy or that you weren't married.
I have found out in my life to never, ever - assume
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because you are usually wrong, as these are here.
To paraphrase: "like omg my 2014 beemer"; "400 a week just not enough for me" - Inflammatory and potstirring...
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...around these parts, very poor form indeed.

Not convinced the poster is entirely genuine anyways. Maybe on a bit of a trolling jaunt.

My dad is a surgeon and would be aghast at the idea of purchasing a 2014 BMW for himself. What type of a person buys a 2014 BMW (edit: as a gift) in this economy anyways? Whatevs.
What type of person has one? - I do. NM
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I rest my case! - LOL
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Such extravagant prezzies... - Are usually borne of overcompensation of some kind
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Best of luck, mate!

Methinks you are spinning a yarn anyhoo. Have a lot of time on your hands, perhaps, for some reason?

Me, I don't have a significant other so therefore I spend too much time on these boards. However, if I had a hubby/sig other, esp one who bought me next year's model German upmarket car, I doubt that would be the case.
Its not about the car or the man that bought - it for you, its about the
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fact that there are people here who can barely afford to pay their bills & keep food on their tables and out of no where you post about an expensive car - a 2014 at that. There is nothing wrong with having nice things, but there is a time and a place for everything and this is certainly not the time or the place to posting about expensive material things when 99.9% of the people posting on this board are struggling just to keep the basics.
Did you even read about the posting this came - from, wrapping your car
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for $400.00 a month with whiskey ads? Sorry I should have played the I'm so poor card and not answered with an truthful reply. Excuse me for being an honest person.
I took the car ad to be an "analogy" to MT, not a - for real ad.
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"to ghetto out your ride." Get over yourself. - Im willing to bet you

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don't have a husband or a BMW.

Once in a while - my husband

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will buy me some flowers or a nice card and I absolutely adore them. It isn't much in monetary terms, but it's what he can afford and he gives them with love. I cherish that and I've kept every single card for the 13 years we've been married.

I have friends, however, whose significant others don't give them anything, who don't appreciate them or simply don't think about it. I have never even mentioned to them when my husband has given me flowers or a card or bought me dinner or anything. It seems like boasting or bragging and it just seems cruel to do so. I'm lucky and I know it, but I don't need to rub it in anyone's face.

You had to know that coming here, where so many are struggling to make ends meet with this profession, and throwing it out there that you have a brand new beemer and then continuing to be unapologetically boastful about it, you were going to get some backlash.

Be proud of what your husband can give you, be proud that he wants to give it to you, but you don't have to brag about it to those less fortunate.

There is such a thing as tact.
So many haters here, no matter what you - post
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I was first answering the post where I was told could not possibly have that kind of car and be an MT. Then I was told surely was not married and just using someone, being called a gold digger and what kind of person was I. I was not bragging about what I had but rather saying no way would I want to wrap my car like the poster talked about. I have every right to say what I want, others do and if people here are struggling, then they need to do something besides this type of work. MTstars has been around for years and years now and things are about the same, just complaining about how people are not able to make a living. I tell the truth and people get bent out of shape. Well, so be it. I could be really truthful and tell you how many new cars I have had in the last 5 years and you and others would really be ticked off then. A brand new car is nothing new for me. I asked for a less expensive car and my husband went back to what he likes, that is why I have what I have now. He buys them for me, I don't pay for them and others need to not be haters.
The problem may be in your - delivery.
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You come across as a braggart. That tends to rub people the wrong way. If you don't care, then just walk away from this thread and drive your car with pride. If you want to brag about it, you might think to go do it at the country club, where they might actually appreciate it.

I'm not so sure the "haters" are hating on you for having a new car. I think they are hating on you for being a pretentious show-off.
Do not think for 1 minute this is the only post - I have ever written here and
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the haters were there just the same. I guarantee you those were the most, as I call it, fluff type of inquiries a person could make. I did not tell about anything I had but rather asking how to handle something rather ordinary that I had not faced before in raising children. Oh, by the way, I don't belong to a country club or other club for that matter.

That's $20,000 a year - anon

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If it is $400 weekly, that comes out to $20,000 a year. It seems like that is a lot of money. If I had a car I would do it.

Is it bad that I corrected punctuation-grammar and sent it back? - Sloppy

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Yes, it is - Explanation

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This was a scam email, probably a variety of Nigerian scam. That is why the spelling and grammar is so awful.

You should NEVER reply to any email if you are not certain you really do know who sent it. They do not know that you exist until you reply. Replying tells them your email is a good address. They can then try to rope you in with more scams, but they also have your confirmed email to sell. (This is why you should not auto-reply to anything.)

You just left the door open to increased spam, scam, and computer invasion.

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