A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I applied for a job at a call center (I will do ANYTHING to get out of MT) and never got called for an interview. They then advertised again and I applied again. I actually applied 3 times and never even got a call! I knew I met the qualifications and didn't know why I wouldn't at least get a call back, so finally I just went down there and asked!
I live in a small town, so the supervisor was nice enough to pull my resume and do you know what this man told me? He said I never got a call, because they saw I do medical transcription and "everybody knows you guys make big money" and since we couldn't compete with those wages, we figured you wouldn't stick around long with our company. The company pays $12.00 per hour, which is more than I have made lately in any MT position on a constant basis. Definitely haven't made $12 per hour for 40 hours in YEARS! I told him that and told him I would be THRILLED to make $12 per hour, so he said he is going to work on some stuff and give me a call.
It is amazing, I can't make money as an MT, but can't make money not as an MT, because people have that misconception.