A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I just have to say this about this field of work - sm

Posted: Oct 15, 2010

I am going to be anonny as I do not want people to know who I am and call me lazy or whatever they decide to call me.  I lost a job not long ago, found another one for peanuts, but am going to turn them down as I can get more unemployment.  Plus with unemployment, I know how much I can count on each week.  It is steady.  I know it will not last forever, but....  I am just tired of the stress and worry of is there going to be any work.  At least now I know how much I will get each week.  At least for 6 months.

Typical that some Americans with no work ethic - workingmt

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would rather collect UE than work. What happens when the 6 mo. is up...you will take that peanut money. I certainly hope you don't get an extension. There was a time when you HAD to take a job and not collect UE; too bad it's not enforced any longer.

You are just plain rude. She lost her job she is entitled - to her UE.

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She has paid in all these years. Absolutely she should take her UE. UE doesn't even expect you to take a job less than you were making before. For cripe sakes, you don't know the circumstances, and you just have to attack. She deserved and has every right to UE! You people are just nasty. I wish her the best of luck and hope things turn around for her!! Sheesh! Is it so hard to be nice?

Employees NEVER pay into the Unemployment Trust Fund - The UC you get back is not what you paid in - Only Employers pay in

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I would like to clear up some misconceptions about Unemployment Compensation Benefits.  Here are the FACTS.    

Many employees think that Unemployment Compensation is “my money – I pay into it.”  That is not correct.  An employee never has had any money deducted from their paycheck that goes towards the Unemployment Trust Fund.  If you look at your paycheck stub, you will find State and Federal Taxes, Social Security, and other voluntary deductions, such as insurance, 401K, etc, but there will NEVER be a deduction called “unemployment.”  So, therefore, if you collect Unemployment, you are NOT getting back money you already paid into the Fund. 

However, that is not to say that an Employer does not take this into account when they offer you a salary.  It could very well be that someone who gets raises (obviously not Medical Transcriptionists) will not get as high a raise if the Employer has had to lay off people and their Unemployment Trust Fund obligation has increased.  In the case of Medical Transcriptionists, it could  be why the Employer is paying 8 cents a line instead of 9 cents a line.   Employers ALWAYS have a way to make the employee get the short end of the stick. 

A lot of people do not know how Employers are charged for Unemployment insurance.  For those who do not, here is how it works. 

Unemployment is paid by the State government. Employers pay into a fund based upon the number of employees they have. The State government collects the money paid in and puts it into a trust fund. Unemployment benefits are then paid out from the trust fund. The amount of money (unemployment insurance premiums) an Employer pays is based upon their history of payouts.  A company that has high numbers of payout will pay more per employee then will a company who fires or lays no one off  (like auto insurance - a person with more accidents on their history pays higher premiums then a driver with a clean record).  This can range from 0% to 6% of taxable payroll. They also have to pay an Administrative Tax to the State, who has to keep track of the UC Claim and print out the check, etc.  This is also a percentage. It gets pretty complicated after that. 

That is why Employers fight every new Unemployment claim.  They are notified every single time someone puts in a Claim (even if the Claim is denied for some reason and that person never receives a penny in Unemployment Compensation). 

If you are thinking about applying for Partial Unemployment because you are not getting enough lines, you should really think hard about it first. 

It is one thing to piss off a former Employer (especially if you were fired and never plan to work for them again) and another to piss off your current Employer.  So you really have to be sure the amount of money you can get from your Employer in Unemployment is worth the pain they can inflict on you.  We all know Employers who make life miserable for an employee by giving them the god-awful dictators and QA them to death in order to get them to quit so they do not have to pay Unemployment Compensation. 

Hope this clears up some misunderstandings.    

Good Luck to anyone having to deal with this situation.  I hope you all find better jobs. 



What state do you live in?--I have UE deducted... - typetypetypeaway
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from my paycheck every pay period, and I live in NJ. Actually, in NJ it is broken down into 3 categories, NJ Unemployment Insurance, NJ Disability Insurance and FLI which I believe is a Workforce Development Fund. Every company I worked for in NJ or in NY I had to pay a share of the unemployment insurance...and years ago I worked as a payroll tax manager and actually did the quarterly tax returns, so unemployment taxes do come out of your check. What the employer pays is also a percentage of their share of the tax and yes, that changes in percentage due to how much they have in reserve fund over the years they are in business as well as how many former employees filed a claim against them. Plus I believe most companies (employers) in US also pay into FUTA which is a federal unemployment tax on the first so many dollars per employee (when I worked in payroll years ago it was the first $8000 for each employee).

The checks come out of the state's unemployment fund but the employee has paid into it. Now, I don't know if the MTSOs figure out what they will offer an MT as a cents per line based on the taxes they have to pay. In the industries I have worked in the past, that was not taken into account I believe..taxes are taxes a company pays and the employers pay as a cost of business and usually get a business deduction at the end of their fiscal tax season. At least that is the way it was done when I worked in the accounting department.

Anyway, at least in NJ that is how it goes. I don't know about any other state.
Thank you for great info, OnlyEmployers! Typetype, I - Pragmatist
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just looked this up and found that 3 states do require some contribution from employees (lucky you). UE in the other 47 states is funded solely by employers.
Thanks for your reply. I learned something new. - Not all States are created equally
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Wow, I guess research only goes so far.  I spent a lot of time researching different State payroll withholdings and thought I had checked enough of them to get the full picture. 

Lucky you.  You live in 1 of 2 States that do deduct SUI (New Jersey and Pennsylvania are the only States that have employee unemployment deductions).  I did not count Alaska because it is so minimal (In Alaska, there is an employee withholding of 1/2% for unemployment coverage, with a maximum deduction of $150.50 per year).

Only 5 States have disability deductions (California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island).  So, actually, double lucky you – you live in the only State with both.

I guess I should have checked all 50 States (well actually, only 42, since 8 States have no State Income Tax deductions). 

Thanks for your reply.  I love to learn something new.  If I ever decide to move to another State, I will have to remember this.  LOL 

Have a great day. 


OMG--Don't move to NJ!!! unless - typetypetypeaway
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you want to pay high, high real estate property taxes...we are the highest in the nation so they say...so the UE you may get by working here won't cover much of the other. LOL :)

If I could move out of this State, I would, but have ties here through family and besides I am sure whatever I give up in property taxes, there will be another tax in another state with just a different name :)
Clarifying UE benefits; who pays, how it's figured, etc... - nm
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This article should clear up any questions or misconceptions about UE benefits:

From:  http://www.brighthub.com/office/human-resources/articles/88409.aspx

Who Pays for Unemployment Benefits?

The Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program

The Federal Unemployment Tax was mandated via the Federal-Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), and it requires employers to pay (1) a federal unemployment tax and (2) a state unemployment tax.

The tax payments are shouldered by the employer alone and should in no way be deducted or collected from the employees.

(1) The Federal Unemployment Tax

Employers are required to pay 6.2 % on the first $7,000 paid as compensation to each employee for the entire calendar year. The purposes of this federal unemployment tax are the following:

Provide the federal government working funds in administering or extending unemployment compensation benefits to eligible employees.

Provide funds using part of the tax proceeds for one-half of the cost of unemployment benefits claimed by the eligible employee claimant.

Provide funds from which a state can borrow, in case it does not have enough funds to meet the unemployment compensation claims of its eligible employees.

(2) The State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Tax

In addition to the federal unemployment tax, employers are also required to pay State UC taxes to provide unemployment funds to eligible workers.  The tax rate varies in every state because it is based on the state’s unemployment rate at the time of tax filing. It follows, therefore, that if the number of unemployed in a particular state increases, the tax rate for state UC tax also increases; thus the employer‘s tax payment becomes higher.

On the other hand, employers that represent the state sector with low unemployment experience with rates lower than 5.4% are entitled to receive additional credits in their UC contribution fund. Any difference between the taxpayer’s actual UC tax payments against the amount paid if computed at 5.4% will be added as additional credit to the taxpayer’s accumulated Unemployment Compensation fund for the benefit of the employer’s laid-off workers.

(1) Who Provides the Funds for the Unemployment Compensation Benefits?

Based on the above explanations, we are drawn to the conclusion that the answer to this query would be the employer, albeit collected and administered jointly by the federal and state governments.

The Federal-Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is actually a system by which employers are forced to set aside funds in order to benefit unemployed workers who were rendered jobless as a result of downsizing or due to unforeseen events or circumstances that rendered the employee unemployed through no fault of his own.  Hence, those who were terminated for cause or who voluntarily resigned from employment are not considered as “eligible unemployed workers.”

The state UC taxes are also referred to as UC contributions and an employer, who is not exempt from paying this contribution, will have to pay penalties, interest and/or special administrative taxes for any failure to remit the UC tax or contribution.

Federal laws also require that the state UC tax will be used only as funds to meet the unemployment compensation benefit claims of eligible unemployed workers.

Who are the Employers Being Required to Pay the UC Tax?
Employers who paid wages to employees in the amounts of $1,500 or more in any quarter during 2008 and 2009.

Employers who had workers under their employment for even a fraction of a day for at least 20 or more different weeks in 2008 and another 20 or more different weeks in 2009. This is regardless of employee status, whether full time, part time, or temporary.

Employers who hired household help whether in private homes, in local college clubs, or in a local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority and paid cash wages of $1,000 or more in any quarter of the calendar year for 2008 and 2009.

Agricultural employers who paid $20,000 or more as compensation to farm workers in any given quarter of 2008 and 2009.

Agricultural employers who employed 10 or more farm workers for even a fraction of the day not necessarily on a per-day head count but on a collective basis for at least 20 different weeks in 2008 and another 20 different weeks in 2009.

I made 353/wk on UE which I was on - misery does not like company

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for a few weeks until I found one of those peanut paying jobs. Now I make a little over 1000/mo. I don't feel proud of myself and my strong work ethic. I feel stupid and wish I had stayed on UE until it ran dry. I hope the OP does the same. That peanut paying job would have still been there.

Strong work ethics - who do they benefit?

I made $478/wk on UE. I was not going to give it up for peanuts either. - Not ashamed at all.

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Just because you are on UE does not make you a second-class citizen. I worked my butt off for 9 years for a company, making awesome money. They let me go without a day notice. I was not going to take first thing that came along, where I would be making less or even equal than I was on UE. I deserved the money. I deserved the chance and time to look for a good paying position that I was comfortable with. No, it did not take 6 months but it did take 4. Yes, I was offered other positions. Why should I HAVE to take them if I felt I deserved better? And I did do better. Why shouldn't an MT file an unemployment claim against some of these MTSOs for the position they put us in. Yes, we deserve it.

Rude!!!!!!!!! - nn

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You are a rude and probably very LONELY individual. Oh, wait!!! You are one of those who do NOT know what it is like to have to live day to day not knowing where your next meal will come from. Oh forgive us all, thy most high one!!! Ignorance is such an ugly thing!

It's people like you... - earlymusicus

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who have turned this society into such a cold-hearted, mean-spirited, selfish place to try to live! YOU are NOT immune to unemployment, and I guarantee that YOU will be first in line to collect your UE! People like you are always so quick to accuse and judge others, but you're right there, too, to collect. It's called hypocrisy and right-wingers excel at it. Judge not, lest ye be judged. And quit being so mean!

I wish this board had a LIKE button!!! - nn

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Thank you for posting that!

This was directed to workingmt - earlymusicus

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My posting was directed to workingmt's mean-spirited posting - NOT to the original poster. I happen to agree wholeheartedly with the original poster. She is right. workingmt is plain wrong.

Not Working MT's - Get a life

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If these MTSO's didn't make life so difficult for us, these situations wouldn't happen. Blame the MTSO's, not the MT. She's entitled to this and the situation was created by the industry. My last paycheck was less than $600.00 but I had to put in my 40 hours even though I didn't have work. Now that's almost as disguising as your comments!

Simply stating a fact.. - workingmt

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A strong work ethic is a thing of the past. My tummy hurts, I can't work; I forgot I have a _____ (insert doc, dentist, dog groomer, psychic, cable guy, etc) appt, I can't work; my kid has a _____ (recital, game, dance, yada yada) I can't work; I am taking a long lunch, maybe I'll be back. Any number of excuses to not work but they'll take UE in a heartbeat when work is available, just not to their liking. Yes, I was a TL for many years and could write a book with all the excuses I've heard as to why MTs can't make money. Here's a novel idea: Flex your schedule just a bit and you'd be surprised how much work there is. I used to have MTs consistently doing 2000 lines a day, if not more, and I still hear from them and they are still doing it. Sitting on unemployment is just a crutch for some, another hand out. There is work out there; if it's not to your liking might I suggest another profession? Learn another trade while you are collecting your UE.
To Working MT - Here is a fact for you.
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How would you like to be typing away at your 2000 lines a day and get an e mail that says - do not work until further notice, or have to flex 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week to make the minimum. I hope you never have the rug pulled out from under you and someone says "Just find another profession. You probably have too many appointments, kids, illness, etc." You have an air about you that is way too judgmental, not knowing complete facts. That is a dangerous way to live. I am sure you are not one of the many unfit MTs you describe, you are probably a good one, but your posts speak volumes about the kind of person you are, not what you do.

It's not enforced any longer for a reason. - Use your brain.

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Too many employers are taking advantage of the system for themselves. I quit an in-house job once and got unemployment. They offered me full-time, but told me that it would be part-time until the training was over. After 6 months and repeated asking I was told just be patient. I couldn't afford to be patient when it was costing me more to work than to stay home with gas and sitter. Fortunately for me I had saved all the emails and paperwork stating I would be full-time because on UE arbitration, the judge reprimanded THEM for taking advantage of a situation and granted me UE.

Sometimes it's not a matter of work ethic, it's a matter of survival.

When 6 momths is up - RLee

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Some info you probably will not like - but after 6 months people are entitled to extensions. I am on my first 20-week extension and am entitled to a second 20-week extension when that one runs out. I think all-in-all you can collect unemployment for 99 weeks including all eligible extensions. I make $357 plus a $25 stipend. That is more than minimum wage, so I have no intentions of going to work for peanuts if I have a choice. I now have a specific amount of money I can count on every week. I will, however, keep searching for a job that I feel will be worth my time and energy, but until that happens I will collect my UE. I have worked steadily since 1976 up until February of this year and have paid into the system all these years and am finally reaping the benefits when I need them. I do not feel guilty or ashamed of it all as another posted stated. You are a very rude person. I hope these posts about how much others are getting for unemployment makes your day and gives you something to really chew on!!!! Have some peanuts for me.

The FACTS about Unemployment Compensation Benefits - don't count your chickens - before they hatch

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@RLee, I just want you to be aware of a few facts regarding your Unemployment.  In all probability, you will NEVER see 99 weeks of Unemployment Compensation, even if you find part-time work and continue to receive partial benefits.  The last two Federal Tiers (as extended by Congress) were contingent on your State’s average Unemployment Rate.  In order to receive Federal Tier 4 benefits (the final extension for up to 99 weeks), your State had to have an Unemployment Rate average over 3 months of 8.5%.  I believe in one of your previous posts, RLee, you mentioned that you live in Maine.  I looked up the 3-month average currently in Maine, and it is 8%.  It is highly unlikely that Maine’s average 3-month Unemployment will rise above 8.5% in the next six months, as the National average is either declining or holding steady.  Also, if your State’s Unemployment average continues to drop, you may not be eligible for Federal Tier 3 Unemployment Benefits either.  (You are currently in the 20-week Federal Tier 1 – next is a 14-week Federal Tier 2.)  I do not know how many weeks into your 20-week Federal Tier 1 you are currently at, but if at any time over the remainder of your 20-weeks, if Maine falls below that magic average percentage, you will not be allowed to move into the next Federal Tier.  They will allow you to finish the Tier you are in, but you will not get any more after that.  Remember, only the first 26-weeks are guaranteed by the State.  After the first 26-weeks, which is State-based, the rest is all Federal Taxpayer money and Congress imposed requirements that have to be maintained in order to continue to the next Federal Tier.  You can get cut off at any time.  The worst part is that they may not even tell you until 2 or 3 weeks prior (because they have to wait for new monthly Unemployment figures every month) that you will not be going any more money and they will just cut you off.

Two other pieces of information you may not be aware of.  That extra $25 per week ends sometime in December.  No one filing now will receive it.

Also, the Federal Tiers expire November 30, 2010.  Congress has to vote to extend them.  That means, if the elections in November turn Congress upside down, in all probability, those extensions will not pass again.  Therefore, after November 30, 2010, you will be able to finish the Tier you are in, but you will not get anything more after that. 

What I am trying to say is that you should not count on 99 weeks of Unemployment Compensation.  At this point in time, now that you are into Federal Tiers, you should really be thinking about a back-up plan just in case the Feds pull the rug out from under all the current unemployed.  Make sure you read all the updates on your State’s Unemployment Website and, if they let you, talk to someone about how many weeks of Unemployment Benefits you realistically can expect to receive. 

To anyone else contemplating Unemployment, this will go for you too.  At this point in time, it is highly unlikely that anyone starting to receive Unemployment Benefits this month will be able to receive 99-weeks’ worth, even if they are legitimately having difficulty finding a decent-paying job and are still not working 99 weeks into the future. 

I just want to be sure everyone is fully informed of what they can expect if they file for Unemployment in the coming months. 



Well aware of UE stipulations - RLee
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I am aware of ALL the info you so kindly looked up to set the record straight for others. I did not mean to mislead anyone, but I stated in my post that you can receive up to 99 weeks of UE, which would include all ELIGIBLE extensions. I will have just started the 2nd tier right before Nov. 30 - so I will be allowed to continue that tier as you stated, as I filed for partial UE in December 2009. Congress had to vote in July for the extensions in place now and my regular UE had run out. However, when Congress did pass the extensions I got checks retroactive from the date benefits had stopped up to the date they were put back in place. I presume Congress will take their time once again and go head to head on this issue and if it does pass then all eligible for further tiers will receive checks retroactive as before. I do have a backup plan. Unfortunately both my parents died within 8 months of each other. My father was very successful financially and the estate is still in probate. When probate is settled, which will be in about 45 more days, I will have inherited enough money to make the choice of to work for peanuts or not to work, which puts me in a very fortunate position. Until then I will collect whatever UE benefits come my way and talk to a financial advisor about my inheritance as to investing it safely and make it work for me if that is even possible in these ecomnomic times. Thanks for taking the time to post and explain the process more fully, as I did not take the time to go into specific details.
I don't think we are going to receive the 99--same boat as you - typetypetypeaway
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I just finished my six month's of UE and was approved to collect the next extension which is 20 weeks. That will put me into February. But I don't think I will be able to collect up to 99 weeks. I think that is history. My husband was unemployed in July 2008 and he was one of the ones who actually received 99 weeks. I don't know what Congress will do, but I don't think it will involve approvals for extensions for up 99 weeks. Even though I think those people who have received 99 weeks had set a precedent, that the same would apply to those people going forward, but I think the government has to stop at some point or this could go on for years. I am happy that I received the next extension, but don't know what, if anything, will happen after that. I have been trying to find work, but it is difficult in this field so I am in a state of question whether to stay in the field or move on. I guess time will tell, hopefully I will be able to make that decision before the first extension runs out.

workingmt - Nick

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And you get to judge your fellow MTs because you're special?

Question - sm too

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First, please excuse the rude comments you will get (and I see you got one already). Most people are not in your shoes. Some see things as black and white. Maybe some are so miserable that they need to cut others down and try to make them feel they are wrong.

My question is the job that you lost were you an employee or IC? I'm just curious is all as I have heard as ICs people cannot collect unemployment, yet when we pay or taxes we pay for this.

I don't blame you at all for collecting UE. It's hard if you take a job and then you find out you have no work. I used to be the first to say not take UE, but if its an amount you can count on all the time until you can find a decent job that's what you have to do. You cannot take a job that doesn't pay enough to pay the bills.

I say do what you feel is right. I was just curious as to whether or not you were an employee or IC when you lost your job.

employee - nn

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She had to have been an employee You cannot collect UE as an IC???

I kind of thought that, but just was curious - sm too

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Also, you never know when the rules change. I think it sucks that ICs cannot collect unemployment. Especially since some of the taxes we pay are for unemployment.

Even though I've specifically never applied even when qualified, - Also Anon.

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always preferring to work at just about anything, I do understand stressed-out OP's acceptance of a quiet period to recoup. Life is harder for some than others, and details are lacking.

My concern is that potential 6 mos off work. If you're not making enough money in this field now, how about 6 mos down the road? If you aren't doing well finding a good job now, OP, how about 6 mos down the road? And if you don't like what this field's become now, how about 6 mos down the road?

In your placed I'd use my UE period (and government assistance if necessary) to retrain. You're not making acceptable money here anyway, so this could be a really good step. Maybe take a genuine month off and then go make it happen for you?

Try contacting the DOL in your state - no1joe

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I just went through a similar situation. Seems like peanuts is the going rate for this line of work lately, and sometimes peanuts seems great compared sitting there with NJA. Anyhow, I contacted the DOL (and I know that the rules are different for each state), explained my situation of being offered a job where I could be making somewhat of a paycheck or could be sitting there willing to work with nothing coming in and therefore making no money through no fault of my own. In my state, you are entitled to still collect up to the amount your unemployment is even though you are working. So let's say you take the job and wind up sitting there for countless hours with NJA or a line count that amounts to peanuts... UE will make up the difference. Try contacting them. It's worth a shot. Sorry you're going through this. It stinks. Good luck to you, and ignore the rude posters who really need to get a life.

It is called partial unemployment - RLee

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Anyone who is sitting there with NJA and is an employee (not IC) is entitled to this in every state. At least there is something in our favor to help compensate peanut wages.

What if your MTSO requires 80 hours - to qualify for benefits?

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Do you know what happens with that? I imagine I could get the partial UE, but then how would I keep my benefits up? Benefits which, though crappy, still provide my family with insurance, which is desperately needed. You guys have any experience with that?

Wish I could get UE. I'm IC. - Ugh

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I've been told in Texas IC's can't get unemployement. I sure need it due to not having words for days on end.

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Question Regarding Our Field (sm)
Jun 16, 2010

Does anybody know the particulars of the legislation that was passed back in the 1950s (I think) that really started our field by making it a law that documentation of health care had to be typewritten? ...

What Happened To Our Field?
Mar 23, 2011

Why can't it just go back to the way it was? Those of us who have been transcribing for 20+ years are kind of hurting now, or anyway I am. I used to have a service, had no middle men, no corporate people to support. This was back in the 80's, and the only limitations I had were demographics. If I took work too far away, I had to have more and more delivery people, but at that time, there were only a hand full of transcriptionists.  Those were the days of "a line is a line", "pica ...

My Observation About This Field...
Apr 26, 2011

I have been a working MT (IC status) for 5 years now.  I am finally making pretty good money, but I have always worked around kids and had to take the first few years slowly.  I file jointly with my husband and even had him get more deductions taken out of his checks.  This year, after deductions, I was able to get an 1800.00 refund.  I consider this good considering I didn't pay anything all year (quarterly).  Here is my observation...it seems the the MT field is a ...

Another Dying Field...
Mar 28, 2012

  I hope you'll watch this video about photojournalists.  It's very interesting all on its own, but particularly how the major news agencies are refusing to pay for professional quality and using free amateur photos instead. In particular, I would like you to observe what the expert Ed Greenberg says about how photojournalists are viewed by the news agencies - as "passive and childlike".  People who are too timid to protest the way they are being treated.  People ...

Do You Know Anyone In Healthcare Field Other Than MTs Whose
Jul 16, 2012

Unit clerks, physical therapy aides, central service techs, radiology techs, housekeeping...anyone but us? And the main difference is - we work at home alone, disorganized and unable to do anything for ourselves.  They know this, and they exploit it.   ...

12-wattle Field
Nov 21, 2012

Does this sound family to anyone at all familiar with oncology?  Thanks to all who help! ...

When Looking For A Non-MT Job In Medical Field
Dec 29, 2012

Do you use the title of MLS instead of MT? Is that the more appropriate title we have now according to AHDI? Do recruiters or office personnel know what an MLS is or what we do? Medical language specialist certainly sounds more professional to me, a specialist at something, but I wonder if interviewers are going to ask me what an MLS does and I have to explain. Maybe I should just stick with MT. What do you put on your resume? Thanks. ...

Frustrated With This Field
Mar 25, 2013

After reading everyone's posts about how these companies are always running out of work, but always hiring, it's very discouraging to even apply for a position.  I'm currently PRN with a clinic that is suppose to be going EMR sometime this year and I've been out of work for the last 5 days.  No work = No pay!!!  I got on here to see what everyone was saying about some of the companies out there I could apply with for part-time work and it's just so discour ...

ASR Just Keeps Getting More And More Out In Left Field
Apr 26, 2013

dictated:  experiencing ASR interpretation:  extirpated dancing in her  I  had to look up extirpated!!!!!!  ...

Re-entering Field
Feb 19, 2015

I would like to re-enter medical transcription field after 4 years of retirement. Any suggestions on how and what to do to re-enter.  Is there a short review course that could be helpful? ...

Another Reason To Leave MT Field.
Aug 03, 2010

In our speech machines in DocQmanage Enterprise Platform, we can either go to  member longin or "About DocQment Enterprise Platform". In DocQment Enterprise Platform  it actually states "Solutions include interactive speech recognition for clinician SELF-EDITING" and shows a picture of 2 doctors looking at a computer screen editing.  Then go to upper right and open up Duke Primary Care and the case study.    Duke Primary Care improves their process with SpeechQ. Rea ...

High-powered Field
May 19, 2011

We are having a discussion on "high-powered field" versus "high-power field."  i was taught that it is "high-powered field."  Any thoughts? ...

Former Teacher Returning To MT Field
Jul 05, 2011

Greetings from the great state of Oklahoma!  I have returned to the MT field after many years as a teacher, and have recently re-taken my MT certification (I have a prior 2-year degree in the field from 1994.) I am currently searching for a position either from home or on-site.  Any advice? Thank you, Mary     ...

A Legitimate Field Of Employment..,
Sep 20, 2011

Is this a legitimate field of study for a new career in medical language or just another school trying to get money?  I am a medical transcriptionist who stopped working to home school my two children.  I just do not want to waste my time as I really do not have it to waste.  I am trying to looking at various options,  currently, medical coding is winning out, but I had seen this on facebook and was wondering what your opinions were on this 'program'.  I know ...

MT Field At RISK Of Downfall...
Jan 19, 2012

This is not NEW but still needed to say... I never had an appriciation in MT field since i joined 4 years back...This sucks or i am expecting too much out of them or is it the right time to say adios to this MT. The way it is panning out, I have serious doubts about this MT field now...   ...

Anyone Ever Regret Leaving MT Field?
Jul 31, 2013

To any former MT who has left the field: Have you ever regretted it and wished to come back or did come back? I've been an MT only 5 years and I feel stuck in which career path to go down. Done the whole pros and cons list of WAH versus outside work. I'm thinking that MT is not something I will be able to do until retirement 30 years from now. IDK if it's just a bad day/week for me or if I'm fickle and jump from job to job (longest job at one place was 4 years non MT). Lik ...

Packed Field Of Whites
Oct 31, 2013

I know I have had this before but can't seem to document - packed field of whites??  Can anyone confirm this?    ...

My Colleagues In Transcription Field
May 21, 2014

I thank ALL of you for your posts.  I think it has helped keep me sane.  I used to think I was one of the few dealing with constantly changing accounts, 6 or 7 at a time and the worse dictation on the planet!!!    I am not a gambling proponent, but I have started playing and I promise you if I win I want to set up something for the hardworking MT folk, and this is hard work.  This is no JOKE work.   Hang in there.  I've been praying that we make it unt ...