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Anyone have a website for a cheatsheet year of birth=age? - mt2

Posted: Feb 06, 2013

I cannot find the website where I printed it out last year. TIA.

It's called a calculator. :) - mt

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I don't want an online calculator thank you. - mt

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I printed one out last year but can't find the website. Quicker to glance at it. But never mind Ms Snarly.

Here's an online age calculator. - mraker

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I also have an Age Determination Cheatsheet PDF for 2013 I could send you if you e-mail me.

Fastest for me... - ...see msg

[ In Reply To ..]
I subtract the patient's year of birth from the current year. I subtract a year if it precedes the current month. It's quicker for me than anything. If I can't do it in my head fast enough, I have a calculator at my desk.

and also compare it to your own birth year - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
can't tell if the doc is saying 63 or 53 (or 23 vs 33)? Look at the birth year - before yours or after yours? or before your child's, after your child's?

Why not train yourself to - calculate it

[ In Reply To ..]
in your head? It's much faster that way. No need to waste your time with a website or a calculator. It's a very simple basic math process, and and doing it in your head is good for your brain.

year of birth does not equal age - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
You need both year and month to calculate age. (If you were born in 1993, you might still be 9 until next December.)

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