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Medical coding salary - sm

Posted: Sep 13, 2012

I was thinking of finding a course to take medical coding and wanted an at-home position in this field.  Can someone please tell me an average pay that I would expect to make?  I tried looking online and everything says "it varies", so just a ball park figure would be great, so I can decide if I want to pursue that or something different.  TIA:)

Salary surveys - Coder

[ In Reply To ..]
There is no one ballpark figure because there isn't just one job in coding. Coding is a broad field, not like MT where "MT" means one job type. There are more jobs in coding than just sitting coding individual records.

Both the AAPC and AHIMA publish salary surveys. Go to www dot aapc dot com and follow the tabs to find theirs. AHIMA is www dot ahima dot org, but their survey is easier to find by googling ahima salary survey.

There are remote coding positions but they will require considerable experience. As a new coder you would need to expect to work on site for a time.

Coding requires professional credentials. Review that information BEFORE you choose a course. It is available on those same websites. Look for both the CCS and CPC, as you will need those.

You should also read the posts here for about the last three months. We discuss this topic regularly. There is good information about schools already available.

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