A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Medical billing? - Looking

Posted: Jan 24, 2012

I just hung up with an acquaintance in CA who is a professional placement consultant.  I explained to her that after 25 or so years in MT, the writing is on the wall and I need to get OUT.

She had some good suggestions for me and asked me if I knew MEDICAL BILLING, i.e. insurance stuff.  She said that she knows a few people doing it from home and that they are "making a killing."  Knowing that Andrews has a good reputation, I did an online search but it appears that Andrews only offers MT and CODING (which they call "coding/billing"), but I am NOT interested in pursuing coding.  BTW, this lady concurs that coding WILL BE GONE IN A FEW YEARS, just like MT, thanks to technology.

So, my question is:  In order to pursue MEDICAL BILLING (without the CODING part), can anyone here recommend a good course and/or school?


Placement Consultants Get Paid By Placing People In Jobs Employers Pay Them For - Skeptical About What You "heard"

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I also know a couple of placement consultants personally. I've seen many people lose thousands of dollars doing medical billing from home. Placement consultants are paid to promote the jobs they have been paid to fill. I am skeptical that many people are doing medical billing at home and making a killing at it, unless they are the people bringing in more victims, I mean billers.

I am NOT her prospective placement. ;) - Looking

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While I understand your skepticism, evidently you did not read my post well enough.

She lives in CA, I in another state. She is a relative by marriage/friend of my best friend of 45 years. So, I am like "extended family" to her.

Since I live in another state, she was not trying to place me in a position that she is paid to fill. She was merely giving me general career advice and kindly offered to critique my resumes.

She advised me to get the hell out of MT and to avoid coding like the plague because it is going the same way that MT is. Actually, that confirmed what I had already been told by several HIT folks, which I have outlined in another post on the Main board.

Not only did I read your post well enough, but I recognized your ongoing rant in disguise - sm

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This is just more of your continuing diatribe. The only problem with it is, you're wrong. You have nothing to back up your wild claims, but that doesn't keep you from making them with regularity.
The onus is on you. - Looking
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Yes, I'm sure the HIT folks whom I have talked with and the lady in CA were just lying. Or I am so bored with life that I have nothing better to do than come onto this board with manufactured stories about coding.

You made the allegation, now you can prove it. Present the evidence that I have made everything up. No evidence? That's no surprise. So you can cease and desist with your character defamation.

How about a little intellectual exercise. Occam's razor, anyone? The SIMPLEST AND MOST LIKELY explanation is that you are a coder (after all, the mod did move my post to the CODING board), are a coding student, or own a coding school. You have invested time and money into learning how to code, and you are IN DENIAL. You can't handle the truth.

Case closed!
The burden of proof is NOT on her - sm
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Nope, the onus is not on her. She is already a coder. YOU are the one who wants to change careers, not her. YOU are the one who will be lying in this bed that you are making, so do not try to make us responsible. We are not responsible for your happiness or success.

We all invested time and money in learning to code, but we are not in denial. I do not need to prove anything because I am not the one needing a job. I have one. I have been in health information for more than 22 years. I am very sure that I have a handle on the realities of the business. I also make more than $75 K,so I consider myself successful, which is more evidence that know what I am doing.

You may think we are all students or school owners, but you are wrong. The only school owner I know is too polite to address statements like yours.

You seem to be able to convert your beliefs into facts quite easily. I know who most of the people here are, so I have facts. You are just guessing.

Your friend the career placement person is not lying. We never said she was. She is just telling you what she THINKS is the case based on what she sees in her work. That view is seriously limited and flawed.

In your other post, you said an IT person gave you advice. Now, after someone pointed out that someone in IT would not know and recommended a health information management group instead, you suddenly revise IT to HIT. Hmm.

Maybe - You
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can find a billing board to join. We here are going to continue to talk about coding for a long time to come. Good luck with your billing course pursuit!

Bill for an ambulance company, and (sm) - Ambo

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I do MT; however, my neighbor has a $90,000 contract for an ambulance company the she directly bills for. Not to shabby, as I am only bringing in low $60 with transcription.

The problem with Medical Billing - sm

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I've investigated medical billing in the past when friends were getting into it. Not one of them even signed up a single client, and several of them paid over $10,000 for the training and equipment. Nurses are being targeted for these scams quite a bit because they want to get out of nursing and into something that isn't ruining their health, breaking their back, and making them work split shifts without being able to even sit down without being yelled at or criticized. I can't even imagine how many nurses have spent $10,000 or more only to find that nobody really is standing in line to pay you to do their billing for them.

Doctors have people on staff to do the billing. Some want to have professionals do it, so they have bonded professionals who have buildings with offices and licenses, insurance, etc. They find out from their doctor buddies which billing company they are using. They don't go with the lady down the street who just opened up a billing service. Using our brains and a little dose of common sense, the people making money on work-at-home billing schemes are the people selling and promoting them.
All these med pros use billers (sm) - CMTx2
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Chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths. I'm a patient of these people, so I have first-hand knowledge of this; it's not hearsay.

I hadn't even thought of ambulance services. Such a great idea.

There's a book called "Guerilla Marketing" that Dave Ramsey recommends when marketing your home-based business. There's a way to do it -- going door-to-door, hitting every acupuncturist within a 50-mile radius with some printed flyers and business cards. Offering referral bonuses is another tactic from the book, because word-of-mouth referrals from colleagues/friends is the best marketing there is and, yes, they do all talk to each other. Putting an ad in the Yellow Pages and slapping a website on the internet and then waiting for the phone to ring is the worst way to go about it.

You don't need $10,000, either, to start any home-based business.

I don't know yet if I'll go the medical billing or hospital coding route. I'm leaving my options open. But one thing is becoming apparent to me the more I look into things: There are many directions in which one could take this as well as opportunities for advancement that just don't exist in the MT world. It's been years, decades even, since I've been filled with such hope, professionally speaking. I talked to my HIM director about me transitioning into coding, and she told me two times she thought it was a fantastic field and that MTs make great coders. She couldn't have possibly been more encouraging.
I agree that word-of-mouth works but they refer to established bonded licensed - businesses
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The idea that one can just decide to go make a fortune doing billing for someone else is ludicrous. What businessperson in his or her right mind would prefer some person trying out a new career over an established, bonded, licensed, and experienced company with trained personnel? Not many. Not any if they are wise. You're talking about their income.
She has her own busiess in her home (sm) - Ambo
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She left her billing manager job back in 2002 and started her company in 2003. She bills for an ambulance service and also another small service. She is bonded and licensed and works out of her home office. The only people she employees is someone part-time to do the data entry (name, address, ins info, etc.) when she gets backed up. I have watched her over the years and she has been very successful doing this local company.
Suggesting that this is a reasonable expectation is misleading - sm
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Let's say there is such a person who is hugely successful as you suggest. There are more questions than answers about her ability to "sign up" an ambulance company, which would be very unlikely to happen with anyone else, and then another small service. The chances of getting clients like this would be almost zero unless there were other conditions in play. Maybe she is married to someone who (owns the ambulance company) (manages the ambulance company) (awards the contracts---which would be highly unethical), or just happened to know someone. Most of us are not in that position. To suggest that this is a reasonable expectation is unhelpful and inappropriate. There are so many scams out there relating to medical billing and unfortunately, plenty of people gullible enough to fall for them.
There is another possibility - also unethical - in my opinion
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She left her job as a billing manager and took a client with her. That's not very nice. It's also not a situation that others should hope to duplicate. We're talking about a weird and questionable situation that the OP is touting as a great idea. I don't agree.
No, she did not take her client with her...(sm) - Ambo
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She got 2 clients before she even left her job. Tired of all you angry little naysayers here. I was posting about a success story.
And I have watched how successful she has been since 2003 with her small business. - Ambo
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She was only able to do this because she managed a billing company - sm
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She managed a billing company! She had experience! That is how she was able to do this!

Chances are very good that she got the account before leaving the prior employer.

Without experience, nobody in their right mind would even talk to you. Unless it was to work doing data entry.

And just how many ambulance companies are there in your community? Usually just one. Are they going bankrup? No? Then they have their billing taken care of already. They will not need you.
In our community..... - Ambo
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We live in a large, metropolitan area, and just within a 60-mile radius there are 60+.

Of course she had experience. Otherwise, she would not have opened her own business. OMG, I am tired of you debbie downers around here.
A friend of mine was also a successful manager of an office group - Her story since we are telling stories
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My friend was the manager of a large physicians' group. She was very successful and one of the most entrepreneurial spirits I've ever met. She was an attractive, charming businesswoman who could sell just about anyone on whatever idea she was promoting. For that reason, she decided to start her own billing company.

She did it ethically though. She didn't take accounts that were signed up or considering signing up for the company she worked for. She just talked to all of the physicians she knew to see if they would use her services. Almost all of them said that they would. She started her business. Not one of them signed up with her. That was a costly experience for her. Her business went under, failing to sign up even one client. I think it cost her quite a bit more than the $10,000 quoted in an earlier thread about people losing money starting their own billing services. These are scams, people! They are excellent scams. They are really good at it. They not only scam the undereducated and ignorant, but also the intelligent and successful among us. It's a great scam! I was almost tempted at one time. I know.
She did it ethically as well. Glad she did not fall for a scam! - No scam with her lic business
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Whatever, it is possible, and there are quite a few that do this. - Ambo
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Why would there be questions about her ability to "sign up" an ambo company? She has been doing them since 2003. No, she is NOT married to someone who owns the ambo company, works with the ambo company, etc. I am putting out there that there ARE successful small business owners out there. If you have a problem with me doing so then don't read it!
Sure, there are small businesses but ... - sm
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No one is denying that it is possible to be a successful owner of a small business. There are a lot of them. However, those people do not just walk into it off the street. They usually have experience in the work itself, contacts, alternative income to tide them over, willingness and ability to get loans, etc.

A BUSINESS is not a good option for someone looking to change career fields. Few succeed in them. There ARE a lot of medical billing scms out there which purport to set people up with software and lists of "med pros" who are supposedly dying for want of a biller.

Most people will find that they have to work in billing for a while to learn enough for a business. Most will find the salaries to be barely above minimum wage. Most will find the work to be boring. Virtually everyone who attends a billing seminar and signs up for the package deal loses their shirt. It is written up on all the scam reporting websites. Victims are everywhere.

We warn against that. If you want to be a biller, just apply for a job. Most will train. As you pointed out, your high scholers were considered qualified. Great for them, but it should give you an indication of the relatively low level of the work. It is on a par with food service.

Nothing wrong with that, but I am not going to recommend it for someone who needs better income, more intellectual challenge, and some hope of finding a job doing it.

I do not know why you wuld take offense to this. You do not seem to be looking for a new career. You are not a biller or a billing service owner. You are just talking about your neighbor.

I, too, wonder why you keep talking about this from the perspective of it being a great business opportunity. Owning a business is not a job or a career. It is a business. Getting one is a business opportunity. There are few of those in that business.

It is exactly like getting into business as an MTSO. Sure, every doctor needs one of those, but they already have one. You know how impossible it is to get into that business. Still, there are MT scams still going around. Sign up for a course today and get a transcriber and list of doctors in your area. The list turns out to be from the phone book and the transcriber is a cheap recorder without even a footpedal.

We are just trying to steer people away from things like that. Typing at home for doctors, ambo businesses, oceanfront property in Florida, snake oil . . . it is all the same. The innocent-sounding, "who, me?" outrage against us is the same, too.

Who is we? - You
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Are one person talking here, who is we?
I'm part of the 'We' she's talking about - We
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Most of us on here have been around this industry long enough to know facts from silliness. When the above poster says "We", she means people like us.
ok - Working Coder
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I'm not. I enjoy reading the facts and correction of misinformation, but leave me out of the crazy rant-ons thank you.
How are all those pros billing now? - sm
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I agree that there are a lot of medical and ancillary providers out there, but have you wondered how they get their billing done now? If you are a patient of them, you must get bills. Surely those offices have a way to do their billing. If they did not,how could they stay open?

Is your plan, then, to recruit them away from their current system? Or do still think they are just sitting there praying for you and your new billing system to save them?

Because there are other people here who may be looking for a new career, I feel that I have to tell you that the scenario you are painting of huge sums to be made in billing and of all those ambulance companies, chiropractors, naturopaths, physical therapists just waiting for you to help them out is . . . exactly the scenario described in the classic "medical billing scam." There is invariably a description of hordes of desperate medical and quasi-medical providers, easy pickings, and even a neighbor who bills an ambulance service and makes about $90,000. There are usually testimonials and advice from the kinds of people who sound like they ought to know something, like the IT guy, and angry accusatioms in response to anyone who disagrees.

I am not saying you are running this con, but the thought crossed my mind. Perhaps you just got sucked in by it.
Wow... just... wow. (nm) - CMTx2
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Hon I am not running a con...jezzz - OMG
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I have no idea what kind of scam you are talking about. I am telling this board about a scenario. I did not tell anyone to go out looking for an ambulance company. I am sharing one person's experience who has had success over the past 8 years starting up her small business. OMG, you people are unreal. She signs a new contract every single year. When my boys were in high school, they would work for her part-time doing data entry and separating the claims to be coded and entered, private versus Medicare, etc. Again, no one asked you to join or go looking for an ambulance service. Was just sharing a close friend's experience. You all are the most unfriendlist group I have ever had the pleasure of joining. Same thing for the MT side, and I have been one for 16 years!
Medical billing home biz is offers are usually scams. - Nowyouknow
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We have just been around the block enough times to smell the kool-ade.

Sure, billing like you describe it is possible, but only with experience. We just don't want our friends here to fall into something that might hurt them.

If you have no idea what kind of scam this is, check the scam websites. Sounds like you needed to have done that way before now.
Why would I have done it before? - Really?
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Hello.....I am not into med billing or coding. I am a medical transcriptionist. Someone posted something about medical billing, and I posted how my friend/neighbor is doing this successfully. Of course she has experience, and is a CCS, etc., but I was posting a friend's success story. Im done. Like I said, why would I look for a scam before I post a success story. Like I said, this is the most unfriendly group I have ever joined.
Now she even has high school students doing the work for her - Oh my
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This gets better and better. Do you know what I would do if I was a doctor and found out the woman who did my billing from her own home had high school students working with

1) my personal income
2) my patients' personal and confidential information

Oh my! Can you not see the confidentiality issues and ramifications here?
Yes, typing in the data entry after both have HIPPA class - OMG
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You people are unreal.
Remember that old ad that said doctors were so desperate for your new services - See message
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I remember one ad that was really successful. It said something about doctors being so desperate for someone to do their billing that you will have them knocking your door down. You will have to turn them away or recruit more billers to help you. The trouble is, nobody told the doctors they were desperate.

Here's how it really works. Doctors make very close relationships in medical school, internships, residencies, and fellowships. They attend dozens of meetings every month where they have breakfast together, lunch together, dinner together with other doctors. During those meals, they talk. They find out what company handles certain services and how many years they've been with them, what their qualifications are, and what kind of service they give.

There is no desperation to it. The doctors are not going to be knocking at your door begging anyone to allow them to turn over all of their potential income.

Are there sleazy people who get money under the table making deals that scam the doctors? Sure! Are there managers that funnel business to friends and take a cut of it? Of course.

Anyone with a brain is going to choose a company with a minimum of 20-30 years successful experience, bonded personnel, because they will be handling your money, and a verifiable success rate or PERCENTAGE collected that doctors can brag about during their dinner meetings. "My billing service gets ___%. You should try them if you aren't happy with your company." They are not going to say, "Hey, I know this lady who does billing out of her own home."
using high schoolers to help - sm
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Can't you just see it now. They drop by her house to see how their work is coming along and there are high school students working.

Better still, what if one of the neighbors drops by who is a patient and sees that the high school kids now know that she had some very personal surgery...what can she do? This is such a bad idea.
Hello, the ambo company gave them HIPPA training (sm) - Wow
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They were very much aware of her hiring part-time employees for data entry. I have come to the conclusion that you are just a jealous person posting this crap.
And, this is the last thing I have to add to this - Ambo
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I saw a post about billing not being very lucrative. I posted the success story of my neighbor/friend. I did not post it to be belitted, called a scam artist, a liar, have her integrity challanged, etc. I posted it because she started her business 9 years ago with a small ambulance company, picked up another small ambulance company, and has been successful in her business. Her business is out of her home, the basement has been turned into a home office, with three desks for herself and her part-timers, who have all been trained to enter demographics and have also passed the HIPPA course. She is licensed, bonded, insured and everything else that comes with a small business. I don't know why I should be suprised at he condescending comments to my post, as it seems 90% of the women on this board are the most miserable people I have ever encountered on a discussion board, transcription side included. They do not like to hear success stories. Take it for what you will; call it what you will. No skin of my back or my friend's back. I have my own transcription business and as much as people complain about that going away (which it will sooner rather than later), I am doing it until the bitter end, while I take my coding classes through Andrews. The end!
Ambo vs ambo - sm
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I've been watching this hread with interest. The neighbor's company is called the ambo company. The person posting about the ambo company then calls herself "Ambo." She began posting vague information that made it seem that she did not know much about billing or MT. After the errors were pointed out, she modified what she said to include the corrections, progressively improving her spiel with each response. The whole time she exhibited anger at responses and defended her innocence, when no one had really accused her of anything and had, in fact, been concerned that she may have been victimized by a billing scam.

Now, with the thread having begun with loud clamoring that billing was the way to go because coding was on its wway out, Ambo has suddenly bee revealed to be an Andrews student.

I have to wonder what has been going on. It looks like a con adapting the story to the mark or some kind of chameleon person ... the kind you can never get a straight story from.

I am glad she seems to have posted her last because this has been disturbing. I doubt she is an Andrews student. I hope not. Who needs that kind of behavior in a coder?
NO that is not her business name, LOL!! Really - Ambo poster
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That is not the name of her business, OMG. I am sorry that you find this disturbing. I was sharing a story when someone made the first post about billing not being lucrative. I shared a success story. I myself have been succesful with transcription, making in the mid-to-high $60,000 for 14 years now; however, I just recently started a coding course at Andrews as well, to make myself more well-rounded employee for future jobs. Now, take it as you will, I shared a success story from a billing perspective. No one asked anyone to buy, join or do anything. The only things that were added to the story was things that were questioned with her business. There are lots of small billing practices in the Washington DC/Metro area. This was a success story, that's all. I'm sorry that you read more into it than what it was.
And this is exactly why I posted on this post, albeit under the wrong one.. - Ambo
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I read a message, although in this group, it is at the very bottom that said...

"I know not one biller who is making a killing. If you want to know how they do it, perhaps you should find some and ask. There are none here to my knowledge. All the billers I know make about 10 an hour. If that is our idea of a killing, then more power to you."

That is when I posted about it is possible to make more than $10 an hour and can be lucrative. And, of course I am mad. I'm mad that me posting a personal success story, showing that there are people out there making it work, that I am told that I am a scam artist, liar, etc. It is frustrating.
I think you just happened to be in the middle of a bigger story - Looking At It Fairly
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I don't think it had anything to do with you. It has to do with the huge number of scams promoting billing services, and you just happened to be there. Nobody wants even more innocent people to be sucked into these bad situations, especially when people come here for good information. Not one of us would ever want someone to say that they went into medical billing because it was recommended by the people on here. It really has nothing to do with you. We just don't want people to be hurt. I'm sorry you got stuck in the middle.
That's ok, just frustrating - Ambo
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Applause! I agree wholeheartedly! - anonyn
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These people on this site and the MT side are bitter and love confrontation and being argumentative. They are just trying to get your dander up. I really think it is great about your friend. I see no problem with her hiring teenagers that pass the HIPPA training. That is called employees just like any other business. Just ignore these people, they mean nothing to you/us. We are better than their mean comments. Good luck and have a great day!
HIPPA - Curious
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HIPPA -- Is that a female HIPPO? As coders and/or MTs, we must be attentive to detail. I hope the employees had HIPAA training.
whatever-blah-blah-blah - anonyn
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You said the same thing on the main board - sm

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First, you have no idea what you are talking about and neither does your friend. Neither of you know what coding is or anything about the career field, yet you are unwilling to accept advice from experienced, successful professionals in the field. To me, that is an added indication of poor judgment.

I know not one biller who is making a killing. If you want to know how they do it, perhaps you should find some and ask. There are none here to my knowledge. All the billers I know make about 10 an hour. If that is our idea of a killing, then more power to you.

Everyone I know in coding makes at least 40K, many 60 to 80K and some 110 to 140K. That fits with the 2011 AAPC salary survey. Compared to that, the killing those billers achieve must be truly remarkable.

Medical billing as a business - just a thought - The Phoenix

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I am not a medical biller and have never worked as such. Something needs to be addressed here on the discourse of medical billingusiness. These are entirely SEPARATE issues. One can be an excellent professional medical biller. But that does NOT mean necessarily that one has the talent to have a business. It takes a certain personality to run a successful business. Many people think that if they just take a course in medical billing - voila - they are on their way to a money-maker. No. Not necessarily. To take a talent and turn it into a business, you have to have guts, an upbeat personality, a willingness to work over and beyond normal working hours to get your business off the ground. You have to develop a business plan. You have to know your city and state business codes, and don't forget - the medical business is a high regulated business. You have to keep current on trends, government mandates. You have to deal with not-so-pleasant personalities your clients may have, you have to work hard to meet deadlines even if it means you work till 3-4 in the morning and sleep maybe 2 hours. And you have to GROW your business because you never know when someone will visit your client and offer a cheaper price. You will always have to deal with competition and be savvy in offering a service better than that competition. Now, having said that, some people do luck out and get a client or two and make a handsome salary. They get comfortable with one or two accounts and never market. But when they lose one or both, they are devastated. See what I'm saying? There is more to a business than meets the eye and not everyone who learns medical billing is a business person. JMHO

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - HIPAA, people, (not hippa) n/m

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whatever - HIPPPPPAAA

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we all know what we mean. it's just a gossip board.

Might be a gossip board to you but not to us - HIPAA-compliant

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Some of us only come to this forum. We did notice the rest of the board did appear to be populated by the more ... err ... low ... sort of people, but we had not seen them here. At least, not until now.

must be to you or you would not have corrected a simple error - whatever
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and I see a lot of bad things way down below from a long time back in the archives. this is the 1st time I have ever said anything. so, ms. high and mighty-better than other people, you know what you can do with your precious board.
It is more than a simple misspelling - sm
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As a transcriber, you probably like to get away from the transcripping when you come here. You don't see your posts as transcrips. That is understandable. No MTOS is going to see them.

It was not just a typo. It needed to be corrected because it is an error that says you do not know what HIPAA is or what it means. It is also something that can keep you from getting a job. Write it on your resume or employment questionnaire and you are unlikely to get a job.

To an employer, It is an error that says you don't know what you are talking about. It says that you don't know your business. It says you are untrained and inexperienced. It is a warning that you have poor attention to detail and that you do not take privacy requirements seriously or know what they are.

To you, it just means somebody was screwing around someplace unimportant and made a typo.

Two very different meanings with two very different consequences. Many people here are studying coding or thinking about it. Some of us are already in the business. We come here to HELP those students and inquirers. We feel that this board should provide accurate information. We do not want people to get sucked in by the claims of matchbook schools, confused by those who make inaccurate statements about what is required to get a job, or caught up in hype about medical billing schemes.

If you were looking for a new career wouldn't you want someone to make sure you had accurate information? Wouldn't you want to avoid the schools whose graduates never get jobs? The schools that leave you with insurmountable debt? The career field that only sounds good while you are in the free dinner listening to the sales pitch? We think you would.

You think you see high and mighty? That doesn't bother us. We are doing what we feel is important for the benefit of others. You don't have to follow the advice.

I will point out the HIPPA error because I know that coders are not always good spellers. They might not be MTs. They will pick up misspellings that they see here. I do not want that affecting their job prospects.

You guys are sooo funny! - HIPPPPPAAA
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Anything can get a rise out of you. I have been in the business for 40 years and know what I am doing and have been employed at the same job for 10 years. You don't have to worry about me. I am accurate on my job and don't care about any of you at all. I am just having fun!. Man, you take life way too seriously.
For most of us our jobs are very serious - sm
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You are out of your league. In other words, if you aren't serious about your career enough to know these things, you are out of place. If your attitude is one that you're just having fun and aren't serious, coding is definitely not for you. If you have been working as an MT with that attitude, you are part of the problem, not the solution. You make all MTs look bad.
you are wayyy funny - HIPPPPPAAA
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cause you are the one I have seen on several boards stirring up trouble. catch in the reruns. byby!
That is more than a simple error - Not the OP
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It's okay to make errors like that, but when you are corrected, learn something from it and be thankful someone brought it to your attention. It's not just a simple error. People who are serious about their careers need to know and care about the difference.
"Low" sort of people??? - Ambo
[ In Reply To ..]
You sure are full of yourself. Only "LOW-life" people judge the way you have on this post.
You don't mind "gossip," but think "low" is offensive? - Looks the same to me
[ In Reply To ..]
Someone said this was a gossip board, which many of us found offensive. We don't think we're gossips.

Someone posted a tongue-in-cheek response about the rest of the board being populated by "low" sorts of people. You have NO problem with the "gossip" label, but you find "low" offensive? You retaliate by calling that person a "LOW-life"? Hmm.

Not only that, but you seem to have completely missed something in the post directly above yours that most MTs would bristle at. Could it be that you aren't actually an MT?

Perhaps the person who thought you were a billing business salesperson was correct. You seem to know little enough about MT.

We're still wondering what an "ambo company" is and why you keep calling yourself that.

AMBO is short for AMBULANCE!!! - Ambo
[ In Reply To ..]
Hello, ambo is short for ambulance. I continued to use that name throughout this, on all posts that I posted. I did not change my name or post under a different name. Yes, I have been a MT for years, and also going to Andrews. I was sharing a success story. Will never share anything else on this board, as this board is NOT very friendly. Just a bunch of catty people is all I found here.
I did not know that. Never been anywhere that used that. - nm
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My heart goes out to your instructors.

This is very definitely NOT a "gossip board" for most of us - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
This is a board for discussion of matters relating to our industry. It's important to most of us who post here not a 'gossip board'. If you are looking for a gossip board, you might try the Gab Board.
Not looking for "gossip". - HIPPPPPAAA
[ In Reply To ..]
I just was agreeing with someone and complimenting their friend's success in my original post and made a spelling error and someone got all high and mighty and had to jump in with their 2 cents and call me on it. But, whatever. It was crazy.
The right response would have been, "Thanks. I will correct that." - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
Your response that it isn't important and this is a gossip board was the problem. You make your inappropriate attitude plain by your continued response and your newly adopted name, which shows your disdain for knowledge.
No, I do not have a newly adopted name. Get a freaking clue - Ambo
[ In Reply To ..]
There is no need to change my name. I posted a friend's success story, and my name has been the same other than the one I posted with OMG. So sorry that you think that there would not be one other person on here that would post that they actually disagree with the way you treated me. I have been down South training with the hospital group that I contract with, so I have not been here for over a week; however, I will not tolerate someone calling implicating that I am a liar and have to go to measures of changing my name. Get a clue.
That post was not about you Ambo. - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
You just responded to a post that was not about you, Ambo. It was about someone who posted under the name HIPPPPPAAA several times.

You said you posted only under Ambo and OMG, so unless you also posted all that stuff by HIPPPPPAAA, you responded to something that had nothing to do with you.

I think that a lot of the problem has been that you pop in and out attaching responses to the wrong posts, making it difficult to tell who is saying what. You appear to be thinking this is all about you (it isn't) and therefore thinking we are calling you a liar (nobody did).

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