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Transcend shows its appreciation for MT Week... - noid

Posted: May 18, 2010

...with a pay cut.  Way to raise moral and keep employees happy guys!  Wow, wish I could think of a good way to return the favor and show my appreciation.

send them the star back with a "note" clipped to it - nm

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Haha - noid

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...thought it was a roach clip. Maybe it's their way of telling us to chill out.

Send them the star back ... - J

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With a roach clipped to it (the 6-legged variety)!

Don't feel bad. A long time ago when I worked for MQ they sent us a roach clip for MT week, an alligator clip glued to a paper clip. I had to laugh to keep from crying!
Starfish for sale. 38 cents or best offer. - n/msg
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You're selling your fuzzy orange starfish??? sm - Rainbow
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How truly inhumane. I'd think you'd at least be caring enough to say "free to good home."
If you dont charge a "rehoming fee", someone might - get it and torture it to death.
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Or feed it to a snake.
Awwww, the one with the beady lil eyes and Acusis t-shirt? - Count me in for 45 cents!
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LOL, it sounds cuter and cuter every time he comes up!
I will bid 50 cents plus postage if... - sm
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you tattoo a "Q" with a line through it on one of the arms...
BRIGHT IDEA! - See messge within....
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Someone might be able to make a small mint if they were to make T-shirts with that "anti-logo" (Q or MQ with a line thru it) on the shirt. Betcha lots of people would buy one right about now!
(continued...) THEN, when people stopped wearers on the - street to ask what it meant, they could tell them.
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shoulda sent it back with a microphone planted inside. lol - just joking

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At least they sent you a trinket, all we got at my company - was an email

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Just a short email saying (paraphrasing) "Thanks for helping to make us the great company that we are."

I guess they're thanking us for taking these pay cuts so they could have a higher profit margin.

Must be OTI; I got the same. - nm

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LOL! That would never fly with me... I delete most of - my company emails without ever reading them!

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I just don't need my blood pressure going up that many points. So, I do myself a favor and almost never read their emails.

She did not get a trinket - she got a pay reduction - Must Read the Article first

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When did you get this "gift" from Transcend? - Transcend MT

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I haven't gotten anything yet, but from the posts here maybe this is a blessing?

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