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Any takers from the Danielle ad for 3 cpl and 6? - IC at 4 and 7

Posted: Feb 01, 2013

Such a deal.  Wonder if anyone is really making minimum wage.  Plus your hands cannot be off of the keyboard for longer than 10 minutes.  Don't know what kind of work it involves, but surely cannot be an English speaking good dictator either. 

Actually - Bear

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Your hands can't be off the keyboard longer than 4 minutes.

Oh yes, this is TTS (Danielle), and your hands can't be - beenthereMT

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off the keyboard for more than 4 minutes is correct. They monitor your "actual time working", hands on keyboard, and at the end of your shift if it isn't 7 hours production (I think you are allowed 1/2 hr lunch and 2-15 min breaks) in an 8 hour shift, you actually OWE them hours and have to make up your time. They will send you an email how much time you owe them. Also, they micromanage your line count and you better be hitting the numbers or else. So, for TTS, you don't work 9 to 5 for 8 hours, you have to be productive for 7 hours a day if scheduled for 8 hour shifts, I think that is how it works, or close. When you get that first email telling you that YOU OWE THEM HOURS, it is laughable! All that(plus more) for 3 and 6 cents per line-NO THANKS!

MQ was like that when I worked there many, many years ago. - sm

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I didn't even know they had a program that could tell when my hands were off of the keys until I got an email questioning why my hands weren't on the keys for 10 whole minutes. I quit right away. At that time, I worked at home for the "convenience" of it and could have made more money outside of home. I wasn't going to be monitored like that.
Surely you reminded them they were paying you by the - line and not by the hour?? nm
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With TTS, it doesn't matter if they are paying - beenthereMT
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you by the line. You HAVE to adhere to a strict schedule and if you are scheduled to work 9 to 5, you better be there at 9, take your 1/2 hour lunch and 2-15 minute breaks, and get off at 5 with min 7 hours productive time meaning your hands on the keyboard or else you will get a phone call about where you were and "the email" telling you that you owe them hours. VERY, VERY strict on schedule, and everything else for that matter-totally micromanaged. This is true whether you are IC or employee, no difference-you HAVE TO work your schedule-for 3 and 6 cents, which by the way TTS is almost exclusively VR, so let's just say 3 cents/line.
I will never understand - why
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people complain about having a schedule, you agreed to so many hours just work them...Complain about the pay but not the hours if you agreed to them. If you worked in an office and was due there by 9 you would be expected to be on by 9 and stay till quitting time. You want to set your own hours get your own accounts.
but there's a difference - we get paid by the line
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people working in offices get paid by the hour, and they get paid whether they are working or filing their nails. What I can't understand is why people who are paid on production have to be on a schedule or especially a time clock. Think about it.
In any business there - has to be
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schedules if you let everyone just work whenever there would be times everyone is working and other times no one would be there...I'm not saying you have to like it but it is the way it is and if people agree to it then they should be expected to work it. This of course is just my opinion. Don't get me wrong there are lot of things to complain about in the MT industry but I don't think a schedule is one of them.
It's called coverage. nm - nm
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Micromanaging is the difference-go work there and then come back here and comment - beenthereMT
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on what the big deal is. In the "hourly" workplace, do they time how long it takes you to go the bathroom and then have you make it up. We work at home for a reason in this wonderful line of work and at the end of my shift as long as I maintained the required amount of lines per hour, I don't want to be micromanaged with an email that says, you worked 6.25 hours of your 8 hour shift and therefore OWE US .75 minutes so let us know when you want to make it up-I say go scratch, I got my lines per hour, see ya!

Needless to say, I soon quit and am working for a company that let's me get my work done, while still adhering to a schedule where I am there during hours I am supposed to be and producing more than the minimum line count per hour. I just don't have somebody watching how many times my fingers hit the keyboard!
key word in your post - schedule
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you adhere to your schedule which is what people are complaining about and I do work there and I do go to the bathroom when I need to and get a drink or whatever and have never had a problem.
I will never understand, either - Old Pro
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I have been both an MT and an MTSO and I never understand these MTSOs who mistreat their MTs. They need to stop and remember that without good MTs, they would have no business. As far as this monitoring of hours on the keyboard when they are being paid by line, that sounds like plain old slave driving! I would tell the MTSO where to go. No one, NO ONE, needs to put up with that kind of treatment in the workplace. Thank the universe that I am retired from all of that! I offer those of you still hanging on my sincere good wishes. I hope you stand up to these greedy people. They give decent MTSOs (yes, there ARE some, mostly in smaller companies) a bad name.
I never have an issue with TTS like what is being said - P
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I get QA'd like everyone else but never, never have I been emailed about not working my hours, needing to make up hours/minutes, not making enough lines, going to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, a big nothing for all this. I read email just this morning and apparently the H&Ps getting behind in the middle of the night because guess why? No MTs were working. As far as the part about being slave drivers. That is going entirely too far. I have worked there for several years now and you can call me a suit, far from the truth, but I never run across issues like the others are stating. I go to work when my time is, work my hours, get up occasionally from my work desk because my bottom starts to get numb from sitting too much and I don't have issues from them.
Im curious what is the norm as far as how much - you make per day at 3 cpl?
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for example, I am to average no less than $100 per day, but my goal is to always try to hit $120 a day. I make 6 cpl for editing. So how much does a peron make per day at 3cpl? What is the norm and how hard is it to get in a good day's worth of pay at 3cpl?

Thanks to anyone who can answer this question. It seems more and more I am reading about 3cpl and it's like its becoming the new norm.

WTH?! What if you had to use the bathroom?!! - nm

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At TTS...SM - Anon
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My designated shift is 9 hours long. I usually take one 10-15 minute break about 2 hours into the shift, then a 30, sometimes 40 minute meal break later on and always have pretty close to 8 hours hands on keyboard time (this time also includes foot on pedal time). If I need a drink of water/cup of coffee or need to use the bathroom in between those "official" breaks, I just get up and do it because that can be done in under 4 minutes. No one has ever called or emailed about why I was not typing. Why does everybody get into such an uproar about this?
Anon - Nick
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Ever hear of the Stockholm syndrome?
NOT Stockholm syndrome...SM - Anon
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Yes, I know what that is. What I do is called working your scheduled shift and/or a good work ethic. When I worked in-house (for many years), we worked under similar circumstances where the supervisor walked by or through our office; and if we were chatting or just sitting idley, she would tell us to get back to work. I am an employee and it's a job with expectations that we get something done. If you think that is Stockholm syndrome, you're sadly mistaken.

Oh forgot, constant QA by both TTS and Nuance, and some accounts the client too! - nm-beenthereMT

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Danielle - Anonymous

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Until recently, she was a recruiter for Diskriter.

If it's the one I'm thinking of - anon

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it is MTS in Georgia. They always have an ad. She called me for an interview a few months ago (before I knew the pay). I was not at home and when I called her back, she blew me off.

Correction - anon

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I just looked at the ad again, it is TTS, not MTS. Same recruiter.

The problem with low pay - sm

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Apparently companies don't care whether they get good help, or just "help" when they advertise these very low wages.

Back several months ago, I had lost my job with no notice and I took a much lower line rate than I would have, just because I would rather be able to afford something, rather than nothing.

I took the job knowing full well that this would be a temporary position for me and I, of course, didn't disclose that to the employer. In a way, I didn't feel they even deserved that explanation, because with such low wages I felt like they were basically using the MT anyway.

I worked for three months for the company and then found another job and quit. I DID tell them when I quit that I could not afford to work for such a low amount and I don't even think I got a response back.

Also, I am SURE people may argue that I lack integrity, but I can tell you that I did not give 100% on that job, as I didn't feel it was necessary. I felt like if they wanted to pay me less than par wages, than they would get a less than par MT. I didn't botch a record or anything, but I didn't spend time with research, as I would normally do. If I couldn't understand a word or wasn't familiar with the word I blanked it for QA. I also had so much animosity, even thought I did ultimately agree to be paid so much less. But, when I would receive an email about how they were behind and we were "required" to help with extra lines or whatever, I would think "Where do they get off requiring OT when they pay pennies?" Just wasn't a good situation for sure.

If companies would stop and look at things like this, they should realize that if they pay a "good" MT a little more and make it possible to make a living, that MT would probably stay there and it may come out cheaper in the long run, rather than such a bit turnaround and training times and such.

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