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No purchase necessary - medical word expander - OG_MT

Posted: Jun 24th, 2024 - 5:24 pm In Reply to: expander - AJMRN

Once you upgrade your computer system, in my personal experience (i.e., I have been around for decades doing both legal and medical work) and I have found that you do NOT need to spend money on anyone's software which usually turns out to be a flop. My IT experts have all told me the same thing: Just use the Auto Correct which is pre-installed on your computer system. Click Options / Proofing / AutoCorrect and add to your dictionary as you formulate your own medical word expanders, as you are actually transcribing from the physician dictations. Just like customizing your own medical word expander to each account you work on. And it is saved to your PC through Word. Works brilliantly! Without spending any extra money...


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