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Done with MT - I am gone too

Posted: May 22nd, 2024 - 12:35 pm In Reply to: Done With MT? - see msg

I tried and tried to make a go of it, but finally after financial ruin and absolutely no work, even working for 3 different companies (which all sucked, Precision, TTCI and Medscribe), I had to find another job and I could kick myself for not getting out 20 years ago.

I justified this horrible job with the working at home brainwashing and work outside now.

WAH is no picnic, since you don't have a schedule (another misguided way of thinking) you are constantly looking for work. You don't just sit down and work for 4-8 hours straight, you are constantly struggling and tied to your computer 24/7. Take a vacation, that's a laugh, weekends off, no way, you hope there will be some work, get a full night's sleep, no, you wake up at 4 am in hopes of getting some work.

I could not find one redeeming thing about this job, when I finally came to my senses, and I didn't go quietly. I tried to work part time at a job that gave me a schedule and took out taxes, and do MT work as supplement (again trying to justify this job) and finally threw in the towel recently as I couldn't tolerate it another minute. I just hated it so much.

MT'S who are struggling to make this job work, and yes, I know some do have decent jobs or so they say, I only hope you can find something else and stop taking the abuse, low pay and insecurity of this job. I am surprised it is still around at all.


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