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Precision - Horrible company

Posted: May 19th, 2024 - 11:56 am In Reply to: Precision - MT23

They are just like so many other companies who do this, why, I have no idea. I never test and I worked for Precision and didn't test and it made no difference. No work, horrible QA, don't waste another minute on this company, they could care less. In fact, I thought they were out of business or sold to India!

See if anyone replies who actually works there or recently did get hired.

Sorry you went through this, I know how frustrating it is.


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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
  • Precision - MT23 (Views: 1089, 2024-05-19, 11:45 am)
    • Precision - Horrible company
      • Precision - Precision (Views: 736, 2024-05-20, 2:23 pm)
        • Precision - I agree (Views: 593, 2024-05-20, 2:49 pm)
    • My Suspicion - see msg (Views: 713, 2024-05-21, 2:00 pm)
      • Agree - MT23 (Views: 617, 2024-05-21, 2:21 pm)
    • precision - maw (Views: 143, 2024-07-10, 8:29 am)