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Company Board

To all the applicants - Please post

Posted: Mar 1st, 2024 - 2:19 pm In Reply to: MedPro Opthalmology Ad - MedPro

If you were able to secure this job with a company that doesn't have a website (despite what she posted) and no definite start date at this time.

I would be careful, again despite what she says.

As they say, if it sounds too good to be true, then it isn't. I just don't trust the vagueness of this position, but for your sakes, I hope I am wrong. I won't be applying that's for sure.


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  • MedPro ad - Question about this company (Views: 1174, 2024-02-22, 12:28 pm)
    • MedPro Ad - Bella (Views: 320, 2024-02-28, 11:28 am)
      • No response - No website (Views: 346, 2024-02-28, 2:49 pm)
        • Medpro - Medpro (Views: 299, 2024-03-01, 10:59 am)
          • No response - Bella (Views: 266, 2024-03-01, 11:46 am)
            • Response - Medpro (Views: 240, 2024-03-01, 12:44 pm)