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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 56)

I was lucky - Pepper

Posted: Dec 14th, 2023 - 7:02 am In Reply to: 20 plus year employee and I got laid off today. reason: - sm

I check this forum every few months just to see if people are still working. Looks like they are but dwindling. I say I'm lucky cause company I worked for lost my account, didn't even tell me, and took days for them to respond with no work. I am older, on SS, so at least have that. I started a bee business which is taking a few years to get off the ground, but it's mine and no one can mistreat me, fire me (except a sting or 2 - or several). I'm lucky there is no work, but there was a time when I had small children, single and it would be a hardship if all this was happening then. I'm sorry you all are being treated like this and I hope you can find a way to something better because you really need to start working on your plan.


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