Former employee - sleepymt Posted: Dec 11th, 2023 - 7:50 pm In Reply to: Scriberight dba Versio - winnie
The boss is also your trainer (what little there is), manager, and sometimes QA, and really the only person you'll be speaking with. She will follow everything you do. She will contact you online or by phone or both after you finish a job to ask you about blanks and what QA found, etc.
She has somewhat of a photographic memory when it comes to the Book of Style. If you don't have that too, you'll have trouble. She wants you to know it backwards and forwards.
She is very good at finding your weaknesses whether in your character, your work, doesn't matter. She will push your buttons until you can no longer take it. She is a bully and enjoys it. I've been bullied many times in my life but this was much worse.
I thought I could handle it despite the reviews I'd read from multiple sources. I needed the money...and the money was good.
She is a gossip. In my first call or two with her, I found out more than anyone needs to know about former and some current employees, not by name but by issue.
In talking about the job and mentioning how long I would be sitting, she then made a fat joke about "office spread." Everyone knows you sit a long time to do this job. She brought it up to make her joke and have a laugh. Very inappropriate for a boss to be saying this. Again...not unusual here.
She is the sort who believes in beating you down verbally to build up back up. I am not kidding when I say she will put you down constantly, she will micromanage. She will argue with you until you give up and claim she is right or end up doing whatever it is she wants.
I ended up questioning everything I do, even though I knew I was right. It didn't matter. She was in control, which is what she wants. She is also quick to anger.
Some people can put up with this for money. I couldn't. I would advise you not to work for her. No one should ever be treated this way.
I take every review with a grain of salt. In this case, I should have listened to what they were saying, because they were right and then some.
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