As usual - oasis Posted: Sep 20th, 2023 - 12:13 pm In Reply to: As usual, others! need to do their own job searches and not expect a - free job or free ride on others hard work. NM
How can YOU be so cold? I am happy to help ANYONE who needs help if I can give it. Some people are at their wit's end looking and looking for help. You truly would not give a clue as to how you got help? Probably on someone else's hard work. I am happy to share how I got the job I love.
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- Am I just lucky - or (Views: 1382, 2023-09-13, 11:54 am)
- LOL - nm (Views: 660, 2023-09-13, 11:58 am)
- Am I lucky - no you are a (Views: 597, 2023-09-14, 2:00 pm)