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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Agreed - Sad

Posted: Sep 12th, 2023 - 7:14 pm In Reply to: Sign of the times - No posts

I finally left MT about a year ago and now work for an EMR company full-time. It was just no longer a viable or stable career. I spent 21 years working as an MT and I sure do miss the good old days where you could make a great living, had benefits, an abundance of steady work, and jobs were plentiful. Sadly, those days are long gone and will probably never return. I'm grateful that I still get to work from home in my new career, but I do miss my MT days. This field has been on a steady downward spiral for the past 10 years or so and now it's almost nonexistent. It's very depressing.


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