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Still doing straight only here & hands are kaput..sm - RunninOnMT

Posted: Sep 8th, 2023 - 2:30 pm In Reply to: On the way out - So true

Hands and wrists, bad nerve damage bilaterally and really need surgery but not sure I want to go there. I'm also on the way out, trying to find something else, biding my time at this gig until I find it. With the low pay and only able to do about 20-30 hours a week at best if I don't want to be in pain forever, it's just not sustainable for me. Unless something big changes or an amazing miracle MT job appears, this will be my last MT gig ever. Sad to say but it is what it is at this point! Those who justify this job at current pay and conditions are fooling themselves, sorry to have to say it, but it's the truth.


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