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This is why I'm on the way out. It takes time to find the right thing - but you have to look at any and everything SM

Posted: Sep 8th, 2023 - 3:24 am In Reply to: Quit months ago - It is a shame

to be able to weed out what you don't want and find what's right for you. For the longest time I was thinking of one particular thing, then I watched a video about it and figured out recently there was no way I wanted to deal with that.

I'm trying to save the health and sanity I have left after the past several years of this job run into the ground and it's not worth it any longer. Didn't it start going to heck in a handbasket in about, what, 2002 or so? Started circling the drain as soon as speech wreck showed up. And really picked up speed shortly after that and now it's 90% over and done. There's a few small things here and there, but this job is really over and done.

Keep looking, people. You can do better than this. There is something else for you, it's up to you to figure out what you want or don't want, what you can or can't do, and keep looking until you find it. Somebody else can give you hints and ideas all day long, but it's up to you to decide what you want.


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