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Company Board

Saince -- East India up the @ss - Con-Dee

Posted: Jun 2nd, 2023 - 5:08 pm In Reply to: Saince - not so sure they are hiring, despite what someone - continues to post constantly. SM

This MTSO is 110% an East Indian enterprise.

"Different cultures have different business ethics standards" -- let's put it that way.

I remember sitting in my little room laboring over these psych reports -- which end up in a file cabinet and never see the light of day -- for something like the equivalent of 5.00 per hour. Illegal, illegal, illegal.

The Department of Labor really DOES care about these 3rd-world companies manipulating American laws and their workers. The DOL can't take action against these scheisters unless they receive written Complaints from workers who Since, etc. is taking advantage of. Please just get out a pen, paper, and write to the DOL about the substandard compensation, etc. "You can't win it till you're in it," as the old saying goes.

There's been reports of (gay) sexual harassment over at Saince between male ICs and one certain e-satyriac who helps run the company. Gay or not, this is reprehensible, unprofessional conduct, aside from being illegal -- very.

Saince is the "reigning queen" of "VBC" -- visible black characters. It's simply a faulty, extremely manipulative computational method of providing substandard compensation. It's more than absurd for a company to assert that the "space key" simply isn't part of the compensation "equation."

It's only a matter of time and an accumulation of Complaints on the DOL's desk before Saince takes their shingle down and moves onto its next opportunistic endeavor -- coding this time, perhaps?

FYI: Lots of Afro-American employees at the HQ near Atlanta. East Indian investors plus Black employees is the recipe for All Hell Breaks Loose :-(

Get it, got it, good. Go sling burgers. You'll feel better about yourself in the end.


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