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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Medicaid has never paid for dental work - credit requires jobs

Posted: May 14th, 2023 - 7:28 am In Reply to: Random Thoughts - You need a priority

and asking someone if they can borrow the money from someone is pretty insulting because when in a position like this, you would have done that first before widening your circle. It doesn't matter one way or another why the poster is edentulous, they are. Compassion is something most people run short of nowadays and you certainly aren't going to find any of it in a business.

You have an in-person interview so they can get a look at you, how you speak, dress and would address their customers, so yes I'd say it matters a great deal if the job is public-facing and even if it isn't. Appearances count and there is a stigma attached to people who are missing teeth whether that is fair or not.

I think some of the posts make that point. Housecleaning... nice. There's the solution and it will reinforce the stereotype nicely too. So much for all that nonsense about a book and its cover.

There are a lot of work from home jobs on indeed that don't require cable or DSL internet, satellite is good enough and much cheaper. They also have benefits. Ratrace Rebellion used to be a good place to look for at-home work too.

The OP really took a chance posting here. I hope they have thick skin.


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