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Random Thoughts - You need a priority

Posted: May 2nd, 2023 - 9:26 pm In Reply to: Odd question... but - MTchick

Would I apply for a job if I had no teeth? It would depend on the type of job and how badly I needed the money. It's difficult to know why you didn’t get hired, but if it were a receptionist job or something where you are greeting people, it's understandable, as not only does it affect your appearance, but also your speech. You can keep applying for jobs and explain your situation, but your #1 priority needs to be addressing the situation with your teeth. you can't live on liquids indefinitely. I don't know why your dentist won't work with you. There are dedicated credit options for dental work, or even Medicaid or compassionate care programs that you might qualify for. Maybe there is a family member who would be willing to make an interest-free loan? If you do get a job, there will be a waiting period for insurance, and most dental plans don't pay very well. I don't know anything about barbaric surgery, but I wasn't aware that a full mouth extraction was required. Anyway, I hope your post is legitimate and not just someone trying to get a reaction from people. Those are my thoughts, good luck.


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