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Your post loaded with errors. I have used multiple - platforms, too numerous to list here,

Posted: Dec 7th, 2022 - 11:02 am In Reply to: On the flip side - still employed

and had to learn them each time a facility changed their platform. Inscribe is by far the best. I make a fantastic line count, both VR and straight typing. I have no problem at all with shortcuts/expanders and use them extensively in all my reports on both accounts. My shortcut/expansion system automatically works with Inscribe and I did not have to do anything special to have it work with Inscribe.

Just because you are not working at an optimum level does not mean others are lacking in knowledge and experience, as you seem to be, with Inscribe. I will continue to make great line counts on Inscribe while you continue to whine. So, follow your own advice and do some "due diligence" and stop acting like you know it all...you clearly do not.


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