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Company Board

If you want to - keep it professional.

Posted: Dec 23rd, 2019 - 2:47 pm In Reply to: I am NOT a nutcase! - NUTCASE

It's best you stay away from this board and its comments. Many people just might be sour grapes or just don't like the platform or pay or are just plain moody and post whatever.

Take nothing of this to heart. Many have different experiences in this industry.

I would never ever come on here and argue that someone was just not up to standards as it just doesn't look good as a company owner to state these kinds of things on a public forum. It makes you look like you are guilty of such or looking to defend yourself. It's best to delete all comments, advertise on Indeed, phone screen people, or whatever you have to do, but never come here and post on and on. It just makes matters worse, never better.

I can tell you that the dislikes may be the testing. If someone has many years of MT experience, you can skip the testing. We can usually hit the ground running with some instructions on software and account specs, maybe a few days of feedback from QA. When we're asked to test with over 20 years of experience, it's a little bit of a slap in the face. Of course, we're always looking for the best place to work and the best pay and the best environment. If we've had other jobs, obviously, we know how to transcribe. No need for testing and wasting time that could be spent training and getting the work done. Just some of my thoughts and opinions.

I'm neither for or against you, I'm just stating facts that we as MTs are finding in the industry after decades.

It does hurt to get feedback or marked off for something trivial when you may have just received an e-mail or other correspondence with a spelling error from the same people who are marking you off for your errors. I hope this makes sense. Good luck on your search!


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