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I say again, come to FutureNet EHR if you have the - option, but there is a catch

Posted: May 22nd, 2019 - 8:30 am In Reply to: Out - of work?

The section I'm in has had OT in abundance. I don't know if they are losing people because the program is such a pain in the rear or because you don't have the options (like looking at previous reports, etc.) for help like you do in Fluency (besides the fact you won't make the line count like you do in Fluency), but at least there is work consistently. When I was first started FN ran out and I switched back in forth between Fluency and FN, but now it's strictly FN, and it's been so long since I've been in Fluency I'm not sure I'd remember all the tricks. FN may or may not be an option for you. As much as I hate this program, I do have work. It's a holiday week so we were all usually looking for work in Fluency when I used it. Hope your work shows up. Good luck to us all. Happy MT week...lol.


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  • Out - of work? (Views: 762, 2019-05-21, 8:49 pm)
    • Out of work - Really, you need to ask (Views: 702, 2019-05-21, 9:04 pm)
    • I say again, come to FutureNet EHR if you have the - option, but there is a catch