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I LOVE this company. Well worth the effort - It took me about

Posted: Sep 9th, 2018 - 11:05 am In Reply to: Ozescribe - Linda

8 days to hit the junior tier, where I began seeing a significant increase in my line count. Because I had the mechanics down, my lines about doubled. I have/had an excellent mentor/TL, which I believe made all the difference in the world for my progress.

Just a suggestion if it helps you - I made a list of all my questions and blocked out a time with my TL to get them answered on SKYPE. I read every single FB.

Please do not get discouraged. If you need help, ask for it. They are some of the best people I have ever worked for.

I have also begun the ground work to become a mentor myself.

Your determination will get you moving in the right direction. Hang in there!!!


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