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NTS, something fishy - Yeah Right

Posted: Jul 20th, 2018 - 8:16 am

Why would a company hiring in the US and Canada only for privacy reasons have a.au URL that leads to a web page that says it’s 100% Australian owned and operated? That line rate is so high that the question immediately comes to mind what measures they will take to dock pay at every opportunity.  In this case , according to the fishy web page, NTS stands for National Transcription Services. I seem to remember working for a blessedly short time at another NTS, the N in which stood for Nuance, a company that has been offshoring everything and hiding behind  other names to attract American MTs to work for them, only to be QAed by foreign parties and docked pay at every opportunity despite the relatively high base rate. Maybe the NTS part is just a coincidence, but things are not adding up.


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