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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

iMedX Australia - Anon

Posted: Jun 26th, 2018 - 6:03 pm

I tested for ozescribe.  How long does it take to hear back?  I didn't find the test a breeze like someone below stated.  It wasn't bad or too difficult but not a breeze, not for me anyway.  I had a bit of trouble with the accent as far as the patient name and demos dictated, other than that it wasn't too bad.  I found the audio to be very distant and not using a footpedal, for me, was not an easy task.  The quiz part was pretty easy except for 2 abbreviation expansions that I just didn't know what they were - could have been anything.  I've been out of the testing for quite a few years now so getting back into it was a bit awkward.


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