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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 39)

You do know - Good to hear

Posted: Jul 17th, 2017 - 2:29 pm In Reply to: You do know - smh

I have a feeling this post is from someone in charge, like perhaps "J." Who knows, who cares. Let these companies know how unfairly they treat MTs and how low the pay is and the demands that are beyond ridiculous. I feel for anyone working as an MT now, no matter where you work, unless it is inhouse or in a clinic/doctor's office somewhere or if you have your own accounts. All of these MTSOs are horrible and they could care less what we feel, say or think or do. They do not care if you stay with them or move on. There are tons waiting out there just chomping at the bit for a job. How did this happen? Again, who knows, but it has and it is never going back, no matter how many cyberattacks there are. Hospitals are a business or a better word industry. Patient care, fair wages, etc. don't exist. Profit, profit, profit. Doctors could care less too. Just get them in (give them 15 minutes, no more) and get them out. It is truly sad. I have transcribed so many errors it is unbelievable. Sometimes, they don't even know who they are dictating about!


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