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More Scribe Info - Got the call

Posted: Feb 2nd, 2017 - 5:01 pm In Reply to: Scribe Healthcare - changed cpl

Upon talking on phone, they do want you to get an EIN# (employer ID). I have an inquiry in to ask if they will simply accept my Social Security number like everyone because by Federal law I don't have employees, am not a partnership, etc. so I do not need one. By my state law, it says I don't need to register for "selling through independent contractors." I would interpret that to mean I am selling my MT services, right? So, have not gotten an answer yet. You need text expander because their platform can't use auto-correct in Word. Those are listed in the ad and are kind of pricy by subscription or to buy. Breevy just says $34.95, but doesn't say if you own it or rent it? Instant Test only subscribes and Shorthand - Windows rents or buys.


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