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I would - Call out sick tomorrow

Posted: Jan 10th, 2017 - 5:44 pm In Reply to: Radguy - proof

They can't fire you for being sick. That's what I am planning to do. If they lose even half the work force for 1 day, it's going to throw the TAT off big time. It would be great if everyone did this, but if we don't do something to show our value to be paid on time, they will just continue to screw us over. Not getting an e-mail to warn us about this before we had overdraft fees and bills not paid is beyond unacceptable. I am in danger of losing everything now due to the overdraft fees and not paying bills on time. I'm sure I'm not alone. Am I afraid of losing my job? Sure. But I also can't afford to not be paid for working my shift on time and keeping their facilities happy. If we are late, they call to see where you are! Where's my check??? They can't fire the entire staff for being sick 1 day. It's worth a try!


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