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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 52)

I think it is time MTs accept a realization - and get their heads out of the sand

Posted: Jan 2nd, 2017 - 3:51 pm

This is no longer an industry where you can "make a living."  This is no longer a "career."  The AHDI is not going to save us.  Trump is not going to save us.  We as MTs cannot remain profitable.  Sure there are some who claim, and actually may be making $30,000 or more but that is only a minority.  The only people really profiting are the MTSOs because they are an attractive business with their low rates, off-shoring and ridiculous TATs.  They also attract MTs who will accept the low wages, jump through their hoops, and tolerate their working conditions so they can remain working at home. 

The reality is that this has become a SUPPLEMENTAL income for most, not a good paying career.  It is a low paying "mommy job."  There are plenty of seasoned MTs and hopeful newer MTs who will keep hanging on, accepting low pay, and hoping things will change.  The change will be that they will run out of us eventually.  I will be long retired by then.  They have put many out of business.  One day they will be stuck with their low rates, crazy TAT times, and not enough experienced MTs to remain profitable.  Hope I am around to see it but probably not.

We can't demand better.  Deaf ears.  Too many people continue to do it for them.  People say if you don't like it get out.  You should, but if you don't want to don't expect things to change.  They have gotten worse and will continue to do so.  They have significantly reduced our pay, our benefits, our PTO, and raised every expectation of us.  ICs are being used for backlogs and then let go.  The smaller companies want ICs now.  It is cheaper, no taxes, benefits, and they do not have to worry about UE, all the while treating you as an employee.  Very convenient to use you for a while and then let you go.  You have no job security really as an IC.  They will keep on because it is being accepted and they are still operating at those huge profits.  And we continue to let them.  The reality is we will be the last industry to even be considered as far as saving US jobs. 

Stay.  Go.  Whatever, but with all the above in addition to VR, point and click, etc., just don't believe this is ever going to be a decent paying career again.  You all know these facts so if you can't pay your bills and you accept the conditions on a daily basis, then this is what you choose.  Some of us have husbands and can accept the lower pay.  Some of us are looking at retirement soon and can hold on.  The rest of you really need to think about your future.


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