nuance-run! - duke Posted: Oct 27th, 2016 - 3:45 pm In Reply to: Nuance hiring - sickened
For anyone considering working for nuance do not waste your time unless you are prepared to make min wage! I have 20+ years experience but even I am not always 99% perfect. Are they crazy. They cut your lines in half and fine errors or punish you for sending to qa, essentially unless you are perfect, and I do mean perfect, one week you may average 11 cents × half your lines and the next 7 cents × half your lines, thus, min wage, and too complicated to predict what your check will be. I am leaving this company thst should be illegal and I pray if one reads this, they will heed my advice. Do your research!
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- Nuance-NTS - MT (Views: 1268, 2016-10-27, 10:30 am)
- Nuance layoffs - BeenThereDoneThat (Views: 1100, 2016-10-27, 11:13 am)
- Nuance hiring - sickened (Views: 1275, 2016-10-27, 11:35 am)
nuance-run! - duke
- Nuance - Former NTS employee (Views: 991, 2016-10-27, 3:44 pm)