Nuance hiring - sickened Posted: Oct 27th, 2016 - 11:35 am In Reply to: Nuance-NTS - MT
No layoffs? BLATANT LIE. Lucrative pay at Nuance? I literally choked on my lunch. These a$$es apparently think because they spew it, it will be believed without a second thought, just like any time they say EXCITING, we will be dumb enough to believe it IS because they said so. Whether there were layoffs or not, the fact remains there isn't work for the employees they have now. How are they allowed to advertise on here with their bulls#it pay scale that is ANYTHING but lucrative to anybody but them.
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- Nuance-NTS - MT (Views: 1268, 2016-10-27, 10:30 am)
- Nuance layoffs - BeenThereDoneThat (Views: 1101, 2016-10-27, 11:13 am)
Nuance hiring - sickened
- Nuance - Former NTS employee (Views: 992, 2016-10-27, 3:44 pm)