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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

I DON'T KNOW HER BUT - misspuff

Posted: Aug 28th, 2016 - 11:12 am In Reply to: DC now gone from Imedx. Sigh.... - nm

I didn't know her, not familiar with who she is within the co. but just wondered if she's perhaps the 1st of many to come managers from Amphion to be let go. This will be my 2nd buyout I've been through and this is the pattern, once the managers start dropping, then the MTs are next. I just cry and cry and cry anymore because of how we get crapped on and because at my age its going to be hard to find a job outside of transcription, anyone who will hire someone close to retirement. I feel like one of those little rats on that round about thinging, just running running running all the time and gettign nowhere.


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