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Nuance Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 39)

ceo pay - all smiles

Posted: Sep 28th, 2015 - 11:59 pm In Reply to: That is just wrong on so many levels, and it really disgusts me - MiffedMT

I read a few articles regarding the CEO pay at Nuance. Five CEOs are making in comparison to other companies in the Massachusetts area and the other companies have better returns and better stock prices.

The one thing that really irks me about this company is why people with MBAs and college degrees cannot get anything right the first time or the second time. It is usually the third or fourth try before they finally get it right.

If we did that consistently, we would be fired.

So I think the management should be put on a PAP to get it right at least the 2nd time around.


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