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Abacus - scarolina

Posted: Jan 08, 2012

I did a search here looking for info on line counting programs and didn't find what I needed.  I have had Abacus Line Counting for many years and recently used it only to get an alert that the certificate was not valid.  I went to their website and found out that as of 12/31/11 they are no longer in business.  Does anyone have a program they like that will create invoices? Thanks.

Abacus - scarolina - LeeLee

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Used to be a company called "Sylcount" that offered several different counting programs. Years ago, they were real big with the DOS programs (which I used at that time), and their programs were extremely easy to use, inexpensive and got the job done. Also offered research programs and materials. Not sure if they are still in business because I have not had the need to order from them for about 5 years due to program/platform changes by my MDs. They also had programs, if I remember correctly, for Word. Hope this helps a little.

abacus - scarolina

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Thanks LeeLee. I have a small medical office I do transcription for part-time and the Abacus had worked well for them. I will check out the Sylcount. I appreciate that you replied to my question.

Abacus - LeeLee

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No problem at all. I still have my original disks from them if you can believe it! After reading such horrible posts on here further down, I am really glad to have these "normal" conversations. I am sure you are already aware of the counters in MS, but I found that these were never as accurate when I compared MS counts next to independent software that specialized in counting. That is how I orginally got hooked up with Sylcount. Wish you all the best in your endeavors!

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