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Internet Explorer - Running Slowly

Posted: Jul 01, 2014

So many websites now are giving the message that the version of IE that we have to use in order to do our work for Nuance is obsolete, not supported. I'm wondering if that could be why my computer is running so slowly lately. (When I Google something now, I literally go back to my report and keep working while the Google page is coming up). It never used to be like this. Has anybody else noticed this? I even called my internet provider and upgraded to turbo speed over the weekend, but I'm not seeing much difference. I use Firefox to check my email on Yahoo now since Yahoo quit supporting the IE8, but I think when we click the Google icon in a report, we must be on IE8. Wonder if Nuance is considering making their software compatible with the latest and greatest.

I also find this incredibly frustrating - because I have a second job

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I have started using Firefox for my second job because I had been using IE11 and then when I switched to my home computer for Nuance as well I had to downgrade to IE8 and all the facility to search, automatically download, etc., disappeared.

It is a timesaver to use Firefox for the Nuance email, but if you happen to mention it to a tech person they rave on about the evils of Firefox (or they did in my case), so just don't mention it. Depressingly, there appears to be no plan to upgrade anything, ever, and even if our spellchecker is making errors, it is up to US to document these instances in triplicate, on our own time, to help them, somehow. Right...nope...

Nuance, trying their best to make our job as difficult as possible and never, ever upgrade anything (including their own speech engine!), ostensibly so they can pay us as little as possible. Us, their cash cow.

What a great employer, right?

Internet Explorer - Dotty

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Yes, this happens to me too. Another reason to get away from this company. What a deal for them, pay low wages and have their employees provide their own equipment.

IE 8 - Reality bites

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There is a reason why IE 8 is obsolete, it's a security nightmare and I doubt if Microsoft bothers to patch it anymore. If you run Windows 7, you need to be using IE 10 or 11, Firefox or Google Chrome. It's not a big deal, they're all downloads and free of charge.

so what happens if you download IE10? Will EditScript still work? - mt2

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I'm having the same problems with slow computer running IE8.

I run Windows 7, Nuance said had to - use IE8 with their software

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So they downgraded it. They warned me not to try to upgrade - I asked if I could switch back and forth, they said no.

Are you using Nuance software and running it with IE10/11? If so, have they not clamped down on you?


IE - Dotty

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You cannot work at Nuance and run IE 10 or 11. If I have a technical problem that is the first thing they ask and they tell you to use IE 8. My computer updated automatically and I was having all kinds of problems and that was the reason.
No - running IE8 - just wondered what would happen if I upgraded. - mt2
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Can't believe they don't let us. I have more trouble with this crap. Slow computer, slow websites, constant reminders I'm using outdated IE8.

I try not to contact techs. They never seem to know what they're doing. Last time they couldn't figure what was wrong with my computer, they had me wipe it clean and reinstall windows 7.

We have to use IE8 - with their software

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So do you think that really is what might be causing the slowdown?

Internet Explorer - anon

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You an install another web browser such as Google Chrome or Comodo IceDragon and not have to deal with IE10 and only have to use it for the work issues. I only use it for what work requires. IE is not very fun to use anyway...

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