A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

to me. This is all very interesting. PLEASE read... - WTH

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

 I have been saying all along to my family only (who sadly knows this crap), that the timing of this Coder Contest was so 'clever.' Yes, it exists, but, the timing, 1st the bankruptcy "rumor", and then the CEO insulting explanation, and then we all did get distracted with the "candy", the coding thing.  This board ground to a halt as far as BK discussion, which was intelligent, to nothing but coding. Then the Chap 11 news breaks, followed by a candy trail of notices on who is out and who is in, but then leave a bunch in limbo.  A diversion, trick the natives. Yes, it is real, I believe, but still, its a diversion.  Almost like a military tactic.  Divert, divide, etc.  And, I admit, the whole thing could have been handled professionally as far as the elect 60.  Choose MTs privately who already seem prequalified, email them privately and make the offer, etc. You know, the way they sneak some raises and bonuses or overtime. LOL.  Not let the masses know.  Discretion is the better part of valor.  But if they were looking to divert our eyes, they succeeded, right?  And they watch MTStars like hawks.  They knew the friction this would cause in the end. Just diversion. Lord of the Flies.  Really scary stuff.  Let us not turn on each other. 


If you won the coding spot, great.  But I would use discretion as to posting on it out here.  If you don't want to cause pain. I do believe we are all happy for you, but it does hurt, when so many of us are not making ends meet.  Its sad.


Just a shame, business as usual.  But my point, as we face these scary dangerous times with the chapter 11, we should not all let ourselves be diverted from the bigger whatever it is they are diverting us from. Eyes wide open, I saw someone say earlier. Yes, we all need to not be distracted when they start tossing candy.  Though we all need it for energy.  Focus on what are they trying to distract us from, and please try to not turn on each other.  That would sure surprise the ones who watch us.  See HARMONY amongst us, unity. 

Oh trust me, my "hate" is all directed at MModal - They treat all but 60 of us like

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second class citizens.

It is disheartening to say the least.

I never wanted to be a coder and still don't, it is not for me.

The people who got in should have kept the wages and lovely little bonuses secret. It definitely sowed the seed of discontent, or at least fed it, as that seed has long been present.

MModal is a rotten company and to treat 60 MTs to ice cream sundaes doesn't change a thing.

Don't think for a minute that MM won't start treating - its "1st-classers" like dirt. It will happen.

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M*Modal will never be anything but devious and evil.

Why change now, it has always worked for them - People want to believe what they

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want to believe and right now they believe they have found salvation.

I tend to disagree but it falls under the category of not my problem. I am outta this place in the next 6 - 9 months, about the time they will probably be shutting down the MT division.

"1st classers?" I would bet more like flunkies being trained by Indian coders. - nm

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for what purpose - SM

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I really doubt the MTs ever cross their minds. They are in it for themselves. Whether their minions are happy or furious does not matter as long as you continue to churn out the work for them and put up with their insane abuse.

I agree with you - that is a very egocentric point of view

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I don't think they look at this board or care what we think one iota. we are all

Even if the "Smoke & Mirrors Transcription Company" - offered $50/hr, its just not worth all the BS.

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I'd rather not work at all, than work for them. I hope bankruptcy totally disembowels that job vampire.

Well, when it hits the fan, they can flunk the 60 out, but hopefully we'll still be - eligible for TAA. nm

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