A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

anyone successful... - sm

Posted: Apr 30, 2010

In collecting UE after quitting MQ due to working conditions (NJA and other issues)?  Please share if you have, the amount, the length, and what you had to produce to get things rolling.  I have a collection of NJAs and emails begging for work and a gradually declining paycheck to produce if needed.  Thanks in advance.

UE - Anon

[ In Reply To ..]
Am still employed, but NJA for 4 days my last pay period which has never happened before. I went down to UE, explained my situation and spoke with the person who deals with partial separation. No problem. Compensation up to $500 per week if hours and salary less than contracted. I did not have to produce any documentation. Good luck.

wow - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Just like that? Gives me some hope here. I thought there would be ropes and hoops. Just in case i've documented pretty much everything. Thank you for the reply.

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