A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Mmodal, starting this new because the other - is buried already

Posted: Apr 03, 2014

Trying to keep this clear and concise as possible. I WANT to fight this sweatshop treatment they are giving us. I need some help, like names of lawyers that supposedly handle MModal or have handled them in the past. I have a "Jane Doe" email. If you want, and I suggest you do, set up one for yourself and then email me. Never can be to sure who is who on here. My son is the business school graduate that says this is an unrealistic goal for errors. It is the standard set for factories and it is very achievable there because the variables are different. The thing I have tried to bring out on social media is that a lot of personal information is being sent overseas via medical records, 99% of the people have no idea where their personal information goes. To me overseas work is a violation of Homeland Security, I have spoken to doctors that believe the same thing. Also, notice the LARGE amount of ID theft, harder to track it when it originates overseas. And I dont believe HIPAA is enforceable outside the USA. To me that is THE only thing the general public cares about. The other fight we have is working conditions that only affect us. So we as a group need to stand up and be heard. My list is as follows, please feel free to add to it. 1. Impossible goals for accuracy in a field where the simple thing like a pause in a sentence or voice inflection can change the meaning of a sentence. 2. Constant barage of daily bullying to meet said impossible goal. 3. Switching from account to account with NO training, just a CP that is usually ambiguious at best, and then getting dinged for stupid errors. In other words, basically, improper training. 4. Unrealistic wages for what we do, personally, I took a 10K paycut through the years. 5. The phrase, see "the repository for samples" when you switch accounts. My new accounts, for the most part, have no samples in there. 6. Forced to work a schedule, yet constantly run out of work on that schedule. All the while they are hiring new people. 7. Lowered wages via Performance management and sending reports to QA because you are afraid to send them back to the doctor. The other thing I need is from those of you fired or on performance management. What scores did you get to be put at that status. How many audits did you fail? We need total honesty here, remembering the industry standard has always been 98%, there is nothing to be ashamed of for a low score. Not here to judge, here to help.

Is it possible to save voice files to computers? - sm

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Would be really nice if people knew the crap we had to try and decipher while still maintaining the 99.7% accuracy standard. I've been told in the past with difficult dictators to "use the samples in the repositry." Basically cut and paste them I assume. Something I am not comfortable with and will not do.

HIPAA Violation - CT

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If it weren't a HIPAA violation, I'd say to go into the detailed list of your daily jobs, select an IJN, open the audio file, right click and save as (At least for Google Chrome). Of course, this wouldn't be okay due to HIPAA.

if you dont like it leave - why waste your time and energy

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just curious.

Sometimes you have to fight for what is right - sm

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They bank on complacency, that is why we are in the position we are in. I for one take offence to being treated like a piece of garbage.

Agreed. NO MORE COMPLACENCY. - mtnsp

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We can change things. We just need a voice.
ok you fight. im back in school learning a completely - new profession.
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Good luck. I have a family to feed I don't have time to sit around waiting for a "voice" and hope it works out. You are the backbone of the company. If enough of you leave things will change but it will be too late for them then.
And I wish you luck - sm
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My life situation is such that going back to school is not an option for me. I can retire in 2 years and plan to. Honestly don't think that this profession will be around much longer and if I was younger, DEFINITELY would retrain to something. This is a matter of principle for me, nothing more, nothing less.
What are you going to school for? Everyone mentions - sm
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going back to school, so I'm curious what people are going for. I've been researching but nothing has really struck me yet... Halfway considering accounting.
Social work - n/m
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I'm going to school for.... - sm
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Getting my bachelor's degree in Psychology and then master's in Social Work. I would like to be an LCSW with a special interest in substance abuse/addiction.
I would love to go back, but it's so expensive. - sm
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My local college when I went in the 90s was $400 a semester for a full load. In the early 2000s it was about $1800 a semester. Now, it's over $4000 a semester. I can't believe how expensive it has gotten. My husband has a decent blue collar job, so I don't qualify for any financial assistance, but we sure can't afford over $8000 a year plus the cost of books. Just crazy!
Heading back to the days where only the wealthiest could afford to go to college. - nm
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The way I look at it - sm
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When I'm looking back on my life, what am I going to regret? Going back to college or not going back to college? For me personally, it's the latter. I will find a way to make college work, no matter how hard it might get. I CANNOT do this MT thing anymore!

Where there's a will, there's a way. I hope you find the grants, scholarships, loans, whatever you need to make your dreams come true! Good luck to you my dear.
You CAN afford college. - An MT and Student
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I thought I couldn't afford college as well, but I can. Not only does the Pell Grant pay for most of my tuition but the federal loans for education pay the rest plus some extra every semester. If money is the only reason you're not returning, look into it. My school is a nonprofit and you can earn as many credits as you can get through for one tuition price per semester. I attend Western Governors University strictly online but there are other online colleges out there too. Good luck!! I'm enrolled in their teaching college and went back to school at the age of 50 to get my teaching credential. The Federal Teach Grant will also pay you 4000 a year x4 years if you agree to teach for 4 years in a low income school. You CAN do it!

Other Key Issues are: - mtnsp

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I have a list as well, and all you have to do is google medquist class action suits to get the exact name of lawyers who handled them before. Its labor law/workplace standards law. Key issues for us are: 1. PAYING FOR QA. That is NOT fair standards. Instead of paying QA staff now, WE pay for it as we get a line reduction for jobs over %5 sent to QA. IF QA CANNOT fill in blanks, due to valid discrepancies, etc., WE PAY FOR IT. NOT fair business and I have heard ILLEGAL. not in our contracts. 2. Some of us have contracts GUARANTEEING a percent of straight transcription a day. Those percentages are NOT being honored. 3. right. 99.7% accuracy is NOT obtainable. Set up to fail. 4. ILP not held to same standards. They cannot be or they would NOT be working. 5. NJA. We are ready and waiting to work, and no work. too bad. NOT legal. And NOT Legal to then force us to make up time the same day there WAS NO WORK. Impossible standards. 7. Now that they are at 99.7% we cannot and should not be held responsible for dictator error. There is more but my brain is mush. God, I hate this company.

Oh, another I heard from labor board is NOT good is... - mtnsp

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Offering overtime constantly when those of us who have to work there regular shift then run out of work CONSTANTLY due to the overtime grabbers. They don't even try to balance schedules so we have work. They just open up overtime, and too bad if the regular shift runs out. All for that TAT.

This is where MANAGEMENT must say LMAO when - mtnsp

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they watch this board. LET'S STAY ON POINT FOR ONE THREAD. List any grievances you have with your work situation, and let's see if we can get someone to review them for us. DON'T START TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE, or why fight, or who cares, or quit, or LET'S GET OUR NAILS DID. Stay on point for 1 thread, please. Sorry, but women can be so vexing and so easily led astray.

*yawn* Do you have *ANY IDEA* how many many times people here have squawked about a lawsuit? - anon

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Honestly, and I think I'm being conservative here ... in the 15 years that I've been coming to this board I have seen the topic of a "lawsuit" brought up NO FEWER than a million times. It's just a bunch of hens squawking and the MModal administration knows this. There is all kinds of big talk about "Oh I'm doing this, I talked to my brother-in-law's next door neighbor who's in law school right now and they say we need to sue." The topic gets a lot of activity for a day ... maybe two ... and then poof gone, and never hear about it again.

MModal gets away with every single thing that they do because they *KNOW* they will never be held accountable. They KNOW no one will ever follow through on their threats to sue and to be honest after 15 years and millions of threats to sue this company, admittedly even *I'm* rolling my eyes reading along with this.

Ain't nobody gonna sue this company. Seriously, all this yapping about lawsuits and suing them for this and that will die down by day's end. It's been discussed to DEATH and not one suit has ever come of it. Not even ONE.

Then you have NO idea of the volume of successful suits by employees. - mtnsp

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Ignorance is not bliss, as they say. There have been many class actions and they have all had a positive outcome for the workers, including money and CHANGE. You are VERY WRONG, or you are management whose duty it is to post crap. Shame on you either way. Do your homework before stating inaccuracies.

Truly if you do not agree with this post - sm

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That is your RIGHT..But please don't muddy the water for the rest of us..Because in the end, if it works, you will benefit as well, and that is ok too..

Nope, I know all about those - there haven't been all that many - anon

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There have been a few. I've been with MModal since lonnnnng before it was MModal so I've seen a few lawsuits come and go and there hasn't been a "volume" of anything. I don't even know what you're talking about right now.

There have been a FEW (VERY FEW) successful lawsuits in regard to skimming of pay, under-reporting of line counts, tinkering with time cards, no payment for overtime hours, etc only when there have been a COHESIVE number of employees that have banded together in NUMBERS willing to put their lives and jobs on the line to pursue it. If you've done your homework, you might also know that all that sacrifice has resulted in ONE THING and one thing only - an ADHI membership that was absolutely useless to 99.9% of us.

I'm definitely NOT a suit, management, or corporate - just a casual observer that is sitting back rolling my eyes about YET ANOTHER gung-ho employee yapping on about YET ANOTHER lawsuit. Really? Everything you're saying is verbatim what I've heard every other MILLION times I've read it. Maybe you should do a search on this board to get in contact with all the other 999,999 people who have tossed around the exact same plan and let us all know when a real genuine suit has been filed. Then you might get some interest.
You contradict yourself in your 2 posts. first no suit and now yes, and - mtnsp
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those are some of the suits I'm referring to,and yes, they brought change long before the AHDI membership crap. Huge positive change. Been here likely as long as you, and yes, there have been those brave enough to take action, and the results were positive. I had no idea of things back then, since communication was nil, yet I got some nice compensation checks as a result of someone else's action, a faceless stranger. Well, I am feeling its my time to step up to the plate. I don't care if nobody joins me. All it takes is one. If all is above board, so be it. If all is not above board, then things will be changed.

and also. its not necessarily "suits"... The Labor Board... that's what - mtnsp

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they are there for, and the amazing changes in our industry were their doing. Back in the IC days, where we had nothing. then it was self-employed, internet reimbursement, employee status, benefits, etc. All we have today is due to the Labor Board taking notice of our industry and HELPING us. We are American workers, and we have rights, but not if we sit out here, sitting on our hands, and watching the very rights we earned taken away, chip by chip. We do have options, and we are only powerless until we decide to take our power back. These companies are like children... they keep pushing the envelope with what they get away with, til somebody says NO MORE. Whoever that authority may be to say enough.

Reminds me of that movie with Sally Field trying to start a union... - what was it called again? :-) nm

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Norma Rae? NM - mtnsp
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THAT'S IT!!! - nm
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Write letters to anyone who will listen - ci

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What makes this different than over the last 15 years is that these 2 companies are taking over basically every other company out there, so more and more employees are seeing the difference between them and the transcription companies they've worked for over the years. I don't think most people are complaining about the smaller companies, it's mostly Nuance and MM. When a good transcriptionist can't hear a clear difference between hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, they will know which one it is by looking at the meds and won't have to send it to QA. Again, these big companies have no clue what a transcriptionist is. They think it's just a typist. Everyone think of a way you as an individual can fight, but even if we don't win eventually they will be left with only the worst workers.

It only takes one successful lawsuit to start - making a difference.

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The 2 that upset me the most - sm

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I realize these have been mentioned before, but they are worth repeating.

1. The continuous raise of quality standards (99.7%) but we are penalized if we use the SHDA staff too often (more than 5% of our lines) to HELP US ACHIEVE THAT STANDARD. This one gets me the most. It's a nasty Catch 22.

2. Global MTs/HDS are not held to the same quality standards American MTs/HDS. I've been told by my TSM, HDSM or whatever they are that global employees are held to the same standard, but by looking at their reports, there is no way! I would have to see proof of this before I would believe it. Show me global MTs on performance management!!! Ha ha, yea right!

Try this guy - in MO

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He might be able to direct you to someone nationally

buried already - molleycat

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I think the original post is very well written and I agree with what is written. I used to love to go to work. Would work OT,weekends without complaint. Now I am so despairing that I literally cannot work more than 4 hours at a time. I have headaches every single day and my attitude needs a major adjustment in all areas of my life not just work. Having said all this, I am wondering why there are 2 dislikes in the OP's post? What is there to dislike? I guess the truth hurts.

yeah, just ignore the dislikes. Doesn't even make sense. LOL - mtnsp

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But posts like yours are perfect. There are legal peeps across the country who are watching this site now, that I am personally aware of, and maybe others, and they cannot believe what they are reading and feel really really bad for us all. And the ones I know are great people, and they are working hard in their networks to see what can be done to help us. I know how you feel, and most of us feel the same, which is a sin, really. Maybe hope is out there :) I had given up hope, but no more. Hope is all we have.

because you need to move on - stop fighting for what is already a lost war

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transcription has 3 years left, tops. Please get out before it is too late.

I think that's part of the reason no one cares - anontoo

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Because what are you going to save ... a dying field? I would say 3 years is being WAY optimistic. I would give it a year, maybe 2 at the most. MTs are leaving the field in record numbers and the only ones who are going to be left are those in denial about the dying of this company. Is transcription really worth saving?

Starting anew... - Thank You

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I'm too old for the future of MT to matter much to me personally, but I still resent being degraded to third world status, and hope to live long enough to see a change. It's movers and shakers like you who will make the difference, and I thank you.

For All the Nay-Sayers - Alias

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For anyone saying a lawsuit shouldn't be filed, because it wouldn't be a winnable case, keep in mind all the first-time precedents set for lawsuits that have been filed for so-called unwinnable cases. It may very well not be possible, but you never know unless you're willing to try, so I say kudos to the OP for having the guts to start research on the subject. There may very well be a labor attorney out there somewhere willing to take a case like this.

Yes, thank you... there always has to be a precedent, right? - mtnsp

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And yes, there are lawyers but they are having trouble, a challenge, wading thru all the layers of nonsense in our industry, but others with experience are helping them learn, crash course in bull crap, and they are sorting thru the mess, yet all agree, things do appear very questionable at best, as far as fair business practice, etc. Morally, the conditions are horrible for us, but also, legally.. that is being checked into. So, yes, people are out here who want to help, and I don't care if they have financial gain. Why not. Its a fricken mess to sort out, and that has been to our disadvantage. however, it is simple, really, and if enough minds are put together, stuff happens :) takes a lot of depraved suits to think this stuff up, so it can be unthunk by good people. Our country has taken a turn, since the last time MQ came under close scrutiny, in that the country is DONE with Corporate Greed. Enough CEOs can attest to that, and also why they get a BIG paycheck. risk. That sentiment has changed and the tide is in our favor. Somebody just has to notice us, floating in the ocean, with our SOS out. its time for the SOS, or time to send up the flares!

One name...Erin Brockovich - fo8

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thank you. I just contacted her via her consulting firm. :) - mtnsp
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If she can't specifically help, I know she can sure encourage me, just getting a reply :)
Or Gloria Allred, if she did labor law - She gets it done! n/m
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Oh yeah... Bingo! We are women. Might be in our favor for once. - mtnsp
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Hot dang.
Only one person has contacted me - I NEED MORE HELP here
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Maybe I mistakenly put my other email address on some of my posts..this one is correct..I need information. Like scores and if you were fired or put on performance management that kind of stuff..And I need you to save all emails.. I NEED help here, my personal experience is not enough..Make a fake email account, I dont need your names now, I would never ask for that..It may be in the future I do, but for now I need to complie some stats so I have something to walk in the door to a lawyer with..I know what is necessary to win a lawsuit and moaning and groaning on a web page is not enough..
Try re-posting so your post is higher up.... - Kiki
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I can't send with that email so I can't contact you, but I was laid off in August with the reason that they were laying off ALL part timers. Not sure that is what you are looking for anyway. Good luck.

Saw this post, not an MM MT but I have a long list of my own complaints - can I join? :-)

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I have a list of complaints against my MTSO (not one of the big 2 as far as I know) but have had similar experiences/bad things happen to me too.

But if this is an MM only kinda thing, I understand. I will start my own.


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Any Advice On Starting To Do MT Work On My Own? Sm
Dec 03, 2009

Hi Everyone, I have been working as an MT for over 10 years now, working for other companies.  My husband has always been bugging me to try and get a few of my own accounts and I always tell him it is not that easy.  I guess he gets tired of hearing me complaining about the pennies I make working for the large companies.  I am finally so burned out working for them that I am actually thinking that maybe just working for a couple doctors would not be a bad idea.  My hus ...