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Has anyone else had problems with collecting UE. - SBH

Posted: Mar 06, 2013

I had the unemployment office call and are disputing a lousy 14 bucks, because they don't understand how we get paid.  They can keep it.  I told them the amount of benefit they are offering is so small anyway that nobody can live off of that, but when your pay is so small that is what they base it from.  It is maddening.  I am looking for full time work elsewhere, but nowadays you put in an application online and you don't hear back.  I even went to the unemployment office last week to make sure that I was applying for the jobs correctly.  I cannot afford to go back to school because my husband makes too much and don't qualify.  As you all know when you go from making 13 an hour to 7.50 and hour with the price of everything else going up it puts you in the poor house.  This job makes you feel so inadequate, and yet is so hard to do anything about it.

If I didn't have a parttime second job, - MSmt

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I wouldn't be eating or probably living with my son. It's a good thing I have a friend that owns a transcription company. I would go fulltime with her if I didn't have to have insurance. That is the only thing that keeps me here. She even had to go down on pay for one of the accounts because it is a county (government) account. But, it is still more than minimum wage.

Just start applying and sending resumes - for jobs all over the internet.

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Scour the internet for job leads and apply. If you're experienced, you'll land something and something is better than nothing.

I wondered when this would come about regarding UE and how MModal MTs are paid. It's paid production which makes it difficult and it fluctuates dramatically. I never applied for UE because I knew it would be a royal pain in the butt to do all the bookkeeping and nevermind the fact that they can appeal it and you might have to pay it back anyway. Not worth the time and effort.

Good luck to you!

I have had no problems at all - sm

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I have collected unemployment at least 4 times over the 10 years I have been here. I have never had a problem. I report what I make weekly. I know that we only get paid every other week, but you still report your earnings weekly. You can very easily get your line count through DocQmanage and multiple that by your line rate, and report the amount you earned. I have never had them question how I get paid at all. If you have PTO time to report, you just multiple your PTO rate times the hours you took. It is pretty cut and dry.

it's not based on how you are paid, per se - sm

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The benefit rate is calculated based on actual wages earned in a certain time period.

UE - maggybrn

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how timely you question was. I have been dealing with UE from TTS since Dec 2012. boils down to they can do whatever they want. If you file be aware that they will dispute your claim and you will have lots of hoops to jump through. McDonalds seems like a better option right now than MT work

they never disputed mine - oh well

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filed more than once while working here over the past several years, and never once did they dispute it.

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