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paging "Siouxzq".... - (see message)

Posted: Mar 06, 2013

In a previous thread titled "What do I do next?," you (Siouxzq) mentioned medical scribing as a possibility.  That thread is old enough that I didn't figure you'd see my question there, so I'm starting this new one.

I'm wondering if you are currently working as a scribe, getting training for it, just considering getting the training...or were you just throwing that out as an idea for others?  I haven't seen scribes in popular use yet here in my area of the country, but I'm seriously considering this.  My hope would be for a growing interest in physicians using scribes once some of them start using them.

If you have any first-hand knowledge about the use or future of medical scribes, I'd be interested in what you've heard.  I know in some areas, they're being used in ER situations.  Do you think other settings might be good for the use of a dedicated scribe, like certain specialists?  I could see ENT docs or orthopedic docs or ophthalmologists....that kind of thing...making good use of a scribe.  Not so sure about PCP visits.  

Any thoughts, either from Siouxzq or anyone else?  I know many of us are looking for other occupations outside of MT.

here's a link to the original thread - sm

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