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Work Distribution Question - frustrated

Posted: Oct 17, 2011

i am extremely confused with what my job has now done with workflow.  i went from having 10-12 accounts to this new situation where they have assigned ALL clinic/psych accounts to ALL employees.  productively, this does not make sense to me as not only do i have to learn 40 or so new accounts, but the few accounts that did remain that i have been doing for a while are now being distributed to the pool for every employee to transcrib.  does this make sense to anyone out there?  maybe it's just me....

Work Distribution Sympathy - BJ

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I have been very frustrated lately as every time I am going at a good clip my employer throws new physicians and worktypes into my work pool. I wonder if it will every end and would like to see some sort of laws that organizations have to follow when their employees are on production and are paid according to their output. It just seems like I can never get ahead and am at their mercy. From 3 hospitals to 7 with many, many worktypes and new dictators all the time makes me very unhappy with my job. Anyone else out there have the same problem? If so, any idea how we can stop getting dumped on?

work distribution - frustrated

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i literally have about 40 new emails from friday and today with new account instructions and samples. it will take me a whole day to download/print all of this, let alone read it. ugh!

Endless account instructions - bj

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I really feel your pain. It would be wonderful if every hospital followed the same style -- what a novel idea -- and every dictator had to be instructed on how to dictate properly. Maybe then everyone would get quality reports -- in a perfect world I know...
I agree. They're already getting the work done - dirt-cheap, why cant they at least - sm
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allow MTSOs to use a simple, generic format? I'm so bogged-down in endless pages of account specifics that sometimes I just ignore what I think I can get away with, and do my own "one-size-fits-all" format, so that at least I have half a chance of making my daily line count quota.

Many years ago I worked for a small MTSO that did just that: instead of having a different letterhead, report style, and rules for each hospital they adopted a simple format made up of key factors of all their clients' account formats, and told them that was the way it was going to be, so get used to it. And you know what? It worked. Less time was spent looking through job descriptions. More time was spent actually transcribing. Quality and TAT improved dramatically. Everyone came out ahead.

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