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Stressed out, need help - anon45

Posted: Feb 19, 2013

I am trying, like so many of us, just to keep doing this job to pay the bills until I can find something else. I am stressed, depressed, frustrated, angry, you name it, I'm there. But I keep telling myself how much I hate this job and that I don't want to do this anymore, and it's making things worse. Any advice on how to cope with this situation? Anybody doing any better? This job is hard enough without me making it even harder. Thanks.

I wish I had advice - givin up

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I tried applying at the post office, did online application, test, and the second portion had to be done in house. Well, the closest test station is 74 miles from here! They give you 6 days to do it, thats it. Well, I dont have a 6 hour block of time to drive, take test, and drive back, and certainly dont have the 4 bucks a gallon to drive that far. This is crazy. I cant even deliver mail to get out of MT!!

I was going to go to an informational meeting for police/fire dispatch, and my neighbor told me there is no way I could do that job, because I am too much of a baby. She said I would hang up the phone and rush to the address to help myself instead of directing help. So, I guess I cant do dispatch to get out of MT.

I applied for 25 jobs in the past year and the hospital in town for any job that came up, and totally blew the only phone interview I had because I got so nervous! I cant get any job at the hospital to get out of MT.

I have no talents, no skills, no prior work history, and only 17 years of working as an MT. I tell myself that I have to do something, I have to find something, I have to get out, and the harder I push, the worse it gets for me. I have had barley any work since the holidays, I have no money rolling in, food is sparse, savings are empty, and the only thing I keep hearing in my head... I AM STUCK AS AN MT.

I wish I knew what to say to you, so that maybe I could help us both but I have nothing left. Im givin up!

Go to the dispatch meeting anyway - sm - XXX

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why are you listening to your neighbor tell you what you can or cannot handle. Go, check it out, you have nothing to lose. I would also bite the bullet and go drive and take the PO test, work can wait, it won't go anywhere, scrap up the gas money. If you have no skills, then try to take some courses, see what you can find free on the internet or get a grant or aid if money is tight, nothing will change unless you make the effort to change.

I am also trying to get out, as many of us are, have some feelers out, networking, been waiting almost a year for one to come to fruitation, will know shortly finally. If none of it pays off in the next few months plan to take a summer CNA course and get out that way, lots of ads in my area for CNAs so figure finding a job should not be too difficult. Then if I like it maybe go for LPN. Figured I would do CNA first since it is either an 8 or 15 week course, LPN takes about a year to 13 or so months, plus costs a bit more. I too usually blow it in interviewing and have blown phone interviews too, just freeze up and get stupid unfortunately. Figure I can work on that though, maybe have friends or family "interview" you for an imaginary job, see how that goes. But I am not giving up, going to grab the bull and ride out of here eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later though.

What a great post! :) - Annie

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You are awesome, and I love your attitude! I, too, am looking into "getting out." While I love being an MT, I can't stand my company, but cannot wallow forever. I have bills to pay, kids to feed for Pete's sake. I've thought about doing the CNA thing too. I did that about 20 years ago, just before I became an MT. Moving on to LPN was another option that crossed my mind, and looking into a coding course that's offered entirely online thru my local college. I have such crazy hours since I run out of work all the time, I figure going to school online is going to be my only way of getting any training right now. Even doing CNA part time and MT part time, might work for a while. Don't give up!

Thank you. I think I just might! - givin up

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You are right. I wont know unless I try. I bet I could do it. I know I like to help everybody. I think being a calm voice on the other end of the phone in a crisis is a help, so knowing that, I bet I could help someone else remain calm.

THANK YOU, and the other poster who agreed with you that I should go. This job is right here in town, I wont have to drive an hour and a half to test and an hour and a half back with no idea if I am even qualified, so why not.
Calm voice...don't give up givin up - sm
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I was home alone with 3 kids, no vehicle and had a crisis with one of my children. Let me tell you that a calm voice was the best thing to ever happen to me. I really hope you go for it because we need more people like you!

Good luck and I hope you will keep us posted!

I don't get it and sm - Peanut

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I'm not trying to kick you while you're down, but why can't you carve out a 6-hour period of time to drive to the post office test and beg, borrow, or cash in empty plastic bottles for the gas money? If you want another job, you have to do what you have to do. Also, why did you let your neighbor talk you out of the dispatcher job by telling you you are a "baby". What the heck does that mean. You're MT skills would make you an excellent dispatcher, so go to that informational meeting and find out for yourself what it entails. You need to get out of your comfort zone, and you need to stop setting up roadblocks for yourself. AND stop with all the negatives about yourself. You are becoming your own worst enemy. Look into food stamps and any kind of government programs that offer help with living expenses and/or career change. You are only stuck as an MT if you let yourself be.

But how to get through today? - OP

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I understand what you are telling this poster, and I agree. I am actively sending out resumes, already got training in another field. I'm just having a hard time doing this MT job day by day. The monotony makes me want to pull my hair out. I make the same bloody corrections millions of times, the VR never learns. I'm having a hard time keeping it together. Any advice?
The only way I am getting through the days - is this
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I make it a game. VR is my game. I search, looking for those errors. I keep my mental score card. I found it, found that, found the other! Baaa, haaa, haaa... I found them all! GOTCHA!

I know, its stupid. That is the only way I can cope right now. If I doing get silly, I freak out.
Your method is good . . . however, - anon
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I fear anyone watching this ritual may think it was finally time for the white coat with long sleeves.

Sadly, the thought of a nice long "rest" in the looney bin seems preferable some days.
LOL-Thanks - OP/nm
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Thank you - OP
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Sometimes I think I am losing my mind. I think it is the VR really. Sometimes I just say to heck with it and type as much of it as I can. When I actually get straight typing, it is much easier. I don't know about the game for me, errors on every line. The error that gets me right now is for 2013, the dictator says "two thousand and thirteen" and VR puts 2000 and 13. It just drives me nuts. I think I need to take some time off. Thanks again for the response, needed to vent and know that somebody hears me.

6 hour period of time - givin up

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I have had the worst week with a huge family issue that took 2 days. I did not know about this second in house test until Sunday night. They only gave me until Saturday to do the in house. Monday and Tuesday were absorbed by the family issue (no way out) and the other times they offer the test do not coordinate with my work schedule and child care. If I had another week where I could give notice to take a day off, or arrange something else for daycare, it might have been possible. I dont know why they only offer this test so far away when I live 5 minutes from a large city. Very frustrating. I will have to apply again when more positions open now that I know the process and can plan ahead. Its a shame they dont tell you before you turn in your application, or before you take the 1 hour online assessment.

An unpopular, unlikely alternative... - IMO

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There is another line of work I am considering, as a friend does it, and makes excellent money. Erotic telephone operator. No skills or training needed, work at night and on the weekends, and get paid very, very well. Beats the hell out of doing MT and applying for jobs and hoping for the best. My husband hasn't been able to get a job in two months (he's been applying and interviewing, but no dice, just like most of us), and though I am employed, it's not enough to pay the bills. I am considering doing it for a little while just to catch up on rent and pay some bills. It's a thought, and most may frown upon it, but hey - one must do what one must do!!
I didn't know that was still a thing.... - anon
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erotic phone operators. How did you find that job?
Also consider phone psychic - Tarot Cards
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If you can read Tarot cards, another option is phone psychic. I knew someone who did that. She wasn't even that good a card reader, or so she said, but she did quite well with it.

Quite a while ago I started a new mind set. - IAMT

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Worked like a crazy person for a company that lost the account anyway. Decided after that I would not be put in that position again. Now when I work I keep remembering employment is a 2-way street and also have in the back of my mind that MT was just until I find some other profession, so didn't take it as seriously or worry myself sick any longer over MTSO treatment, but still provided accurate records. I actually didn't respond to most emails.

Don't sell yourself short on your qualifications. I redid my resume and cover letter. Add things like excellent or above average computer skills, excellent written (and oral) communication skills, excellent keyboarding and data entry, able to learn and comprehend quickly, excellent listening skills. Very professional, self-directed, work well under pressure, organized and able to multitask.

I think looking for positions other than MT in medical offices such as scheduler, receptionist are a real possibility for MTs. Housekeeping or cleaning apartments in our area pays $18-$20 an hour usually with your supplies and not a lot invested in those supplies from discount stores. Daycare going into the home pays $10-12 in this area but a college town. Home health nonmedical pays $9 as employee with an agency or up to $15-20 an hour private clients (mostly companionship, a little housekeeping and running errands. I found working in any of these as a contractor paying SE taxes after all your deductions, supplies, and mileage to and from jobs, etc is not that bad. I also have a short contract that includes getting paid at the end of EACH week. So far, so good. Found jobs in demand are not ones that can be outsourced and not replaced by automation or technology, mostly hands-on jobs.

Hope this helps. When we feel beat down like we have been in MT, our self esteem goes out the window and we begin to doubt ourselves, thus blow interviews. Best of luck to you.

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