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to REDPEN - Future Student

Posted: May 08, 2010

I know the Andrews School has a website with the syllabus, but could you post HERE

how we do learn through the Andrews school.....basically what would the first few weeks be like for a complete newbie to Coding who knows nothing about it?


Great question! - also interested! nm

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I'm an Andrews student - Raine59

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I'm about halfway through the Andrews coding course. I'd be happy to answer any questions from a student point of view.

do you enjoy the learning material? - Vinny

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i imagine a computer is not necessary really at all, unless your emailing assignments? Whats a typical day or evening of studying like for you, or consist of? Reading case histories and looking up codes through your workbooks? Do you email the assignments back in a certain word program?

yes (see message) - Raine59

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I think the materials are good except the terminology part is rather boring for me since I've been an MT so long. But the books are really good. Each lesson (at least in the part I am doing)consists usually of reading a chapter of terminology or anatomy/physiology and answering some open ended questions as well as a section on coding (ICD-9 and CPT). There are quite a few practice coding questions but at this point, we are not reading case histories so much as just looking up a code for a specific diagnosis or procedure. You just email your assignments in a normal email. I do them in Word and then cut and paste into an email but they don't have any specific requirements about what program you use. Otherwise you don't need a computer, other than to check their message boards occasionally.

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