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Redpen, What Is A "Crosswalk"? - Interested

Posted: May 18, 2010

I keep running into that term. What does it mean? Thanks in advance.

A crosswalk is . . . - Redpen

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A crosswalk is reference that lists one type of code and tells you what the corresponding code for another type of code.

For instance, you might be coding ambulatory surgeries using the CPT code set, but maybe you need to know what the ICD-9 procedure code is. You can go to a list of CPT codes that have their corresponding ICD-9 codes listed.

You might want to know which anesthesia code goes with a particular type of procedure. You can look up the procedure and the crosswalk will tell you all the anesthesia codes that might go with that procedure.

This sounds like a better deal than it usually is. You still have to think it through and decide if it's correct or not. :)

Thanks! Makes sense - nm

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