A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Why do MTs sign up for employee status at a definite schedule - sm - Just Wondering

Posted: Nov 07, 2010

- then they can't be found to actually work sometimes for hours at a time - ??

not showing up - n/a

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They must be sure of themselves not getting fired. At my company they watch you pretty much to see if your on when you say your going to on!!!

You're probably right; we need to start firing them. - jw

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I guess the day of good work ethics is gone. Our company tries to work with MTs, providing flex shifts and accommodating time off as we can, so I really don't understand the clandestine "taking off" and not showing up to something they didn't have to agree to or could have requested a more accommodating schedule.

Schedule - TransTech MT

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In my years as MT, I have always tried to work a schedule where there will more than likely be work, but absolutely not my choice of schedule. I would like to work days -- 7-3, 8-4, 9-5, but so does every other MT. So a more accommodating schedule is not always possible.

Also, I have been reading the posts about TT's ad on this board offering a bonus for third shift/weekend schedule. If so many MT's were not allowed to pick the "gravy" shift (days M-F), then there wouldn't be such a need on the night shifts/weekend days.

When MT's refuse to work the weekend/night schedule, that is when most MTSO's have no other choice but to outsource the evening work to another service who DOES offshore, or start to send work OFFSHORE themselves. If you want our work to stay in the U.S., then be more accommodating with your schedule to fit the MTSO/clients' needs.

I'm not pointing to TT in this regard at all, but most other MTSO's who are forced to offshore their work is partly due to lack of cooperation by U.S. MT's to work a schedule where the "gap" is. Since most of those countries that are getting our work are opposite time from ours, that fits the MTSO's needs very well to have the night shift work done OFFSHORE (daytime there).

As an aside, did you see Obama is visiting India to try to get more work over there!!!!! We need to VOTE!!! if we want to see a change in this regard.
We don't offshore, but we do lose a lot of money when things go out of turn-around time. sm - jw
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I agree with you that we need more MTs to work the off schedules, but it is hard to find those that are reliable, so we end up sifting through MTs constantly to find ones that are not only reliable but also willing to work nights and weekends. Those are premium MTs and worth their weight in gold to keep happy.

Thank you!
Just my 2 cents on this...it is extremely disheartening for someone... - ndmt
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on second and third shift seeing day shift MTs get bonus for working the same hours I always commit to. Don't forget to slip us some of that love, and we'll do our best to see there is nothing out of TAT.
LOL. That is a problem.. sm - jw
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But recently, the quality of the work that is produced during bonus pay times is not worth it. That overloads the QA staff, so we don't do that so much now.
I'm one of the "gravy shift" MTs, but there's never - any work during it, so I frequently - sm
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find myself logging on during graveyard, because that's the only time there's even close to enough work. And I don't get a differential for it, either. I'm just trying to survive.
I so agree - TT MT
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I do agree that if there are MTs that are willing to work the otherwise "undesirable" shifts and schedules then they should be given a bonus to do so, and hopefully MTs would be more willing to do this. I work the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift for TT, Tuesday through Saturday, and they loved it when I was hired and volunteered to do that shift. I know that not everyone can work a second shift, or weekends, but we do need to share that responsibility and be available so that our work does not go to India. They are just glad to be working, especially when we are not available. I have never turned down that shift, even when I had children at home because I knew that jobs were not that plentiful and I had a family to support as a single parent. I even worked 2 jobs, 1 full time and 1 part time. I even worked the 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. shift in order to be home when my children were home, and then switched to working at home, which was far better for me because I did not have to pay babysitting fees.
I agree...The shift I work is not the one I want. The other thing...sm - ndmt
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you need to recognize is that when I sign into work and the system is down or there is no work, I am expected to check back until I can complete my lines & hours commitment. So you can also ask why does a company commit to hiring someone for a set schedule but does not have work for them?

The reality is that BOTH sides need to be flexible sometimes.
I think we are very flexible in that regard. sm - jw
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And the schedule is the answer to that, putting new hires in shifts that accommodate the times of greatest dictation. That is a hard balance to strike, but like you say, both sides have to be flexible when that happens. Clients want such tight turnaround these days, and the competition is great. The days of being able to leave the discharge summaries for filler work is over now, and they even want those back right away since that is for billing on their end.
You know, I would love it if someone at my company would sit down... - ndmt
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and explain things as well as you do. It is sometimes so hard to decipher things...one day you are picking through discharge summaries that are dictated 10 minutes before you transcribe them and the next you read an ad where they are hiring again. Hey, if you would let me know you need help, I would ask for another backup. It just honestly seems that every time I start to count on more work, there is none, and then I have to go to the backup plans.

I also want to comment on the day/night stuff above. Yes, the second shift is way harder. All the hospitalists are in, all the doctors who got woke up to do a consult or a delivery (or those who never went to sleep), and all the ones who are speed transcribing to get the heck out of there...I know it. I sometimes want to cry when I get in that group, but I CAN do the work without QA help - it just takes way longer.

Again, share a little of the sign-on bonus or the OT bonus with us on a REGULAR BASIS. We know the work...we DO IT ALL THE TIME. You can buy a Happy Meal with the amount of shift differential we get per day, and that is about it. Second shift does take a toll on your body, your family life, etc. - you obviously know since you are here with us now on a Sunday night. I only hope you're not crazy enough to be doing it for an extra $3.
The client should pay a premium for rapid TAT, - and the MTs well compensated as well.
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I'll do any specialty, will work any shift, will even work hanging upside down from the ceiling like a bat if that's what it takes, but working for an MTSO for 1970s pay in the 21st century, I've been basically giving my services away for free. As soon as I can find something that pays a realistic wage, I'm gone from MTSOs forever.

If MTSOs want top quality, company loyalty, and people who will work the less-popular shifts, they need to pay them for it, instead of continually taking pay and benefits away.
Huh? OR, clients can just skip any premium altogether and - Pragmatist
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just go to front-end SR. All businesses make money by meeting client needs. Or they're not in business.
everyone needs to let of up TAT before there is none to bargain with. make them pay - and turn this back into realistic terms again.NM
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I know what you mean when we get an email ahead of time, asking who all will volunteer to work for a bunus that evening or weekend (when I am sitting there working that shift). Not sure if that BONUS is offered to those who work towards a quarterly bonus or not. I find that rather unfair to those MT's who are working 2nd and 3rd shift, because it only leaves it open to the day shift MT's, not only that but the M-F MT's. Why should they get paid a bonus to work the shift that I get 0.0005 extra for working (2nd)?

IMHO -- Another reason MTSO's have trouble finding MT's to work 2nd and 3rd shifts is that the PAY IS WAY TOO LOW for the toll that it takes on your body, plus the horrible dictators who are on the night shifts at the hospitals. Most of the time, HORRIBLE dictators which slow an MT down, yet others get are offered a NICE BONUS to work.

I can only speak my opinion, and totally agree with you that day shift MT's/QA/leads/acct. mgrs. should NOT be offered a BONUS to work the same shift that I get paid so little extra money to work.

Of course, TransTech is not the only MTSO who pays their MT's very little difference between day shift and 2nd and 3rd shift.
Obama - SS
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Not to get "more work over there" but to get more work here! You really need to stop watching Faux News if you wanna get accurate information!
Thank you, SS. So true. Nations must have an acceptable - some people do not want accurate info.
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balance of trade or they go bankrupt, so that's of course discussed (as always and perennially). Plus, it's time for India to have a seat on the UN Security Council, and we are apparently agreeing to support our big trading partner in this. Plus lots of other issues.
Obama ("India does not poach jobs") - vikram
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The title of the reply (further down) "Baloney" fits YOUR post to a T. I have a beautiful bridge to sell to anyone naieve enough to believe this trip will not facilitate even more outsourcing of our work to India. Of course, it's so much easier just to continue childish name-calling, "Faux news, faux news, faux news" and the hero-worshipping of this president.
vikram - Ryan
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Yep. Obama is not one of the good guys when it comes to American jobs.
Baloney - FmrMgmt
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they offshore because it is cheaper. waaaay cheaper. And because they CAN. There are plenty of MTs who are begging for work here and who sit at their computer waiting for a job to come in and who work for 2 companies just to make a living wage. If management allows someone to go AWOL with no repercussions, that's poor management.

I have always been taught there are 2 sides to every story - sm

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I use to work at one of the larger MTSOs on a set schedule. My husband and in-laws would be taking my 3 children around to their different games or practices on the same night while I would be sitting at home waiting for work to come. I am very understanding of a schedule and my responsibility to adhere, and I would still sit at home missing everything my kids were doing while I had very little, if any, work. I did this for awhile and quickly decided this was not how I had envisioned myself in this carreer. I then went to a middle-sized MTSO where I get to work with TAT. I have a great work ethic and usually work about 7 days a week, but if I would have stayed at that job long, I probably would have started doing like some of the employees you are talking about. Not to say there aren't people out there without work ethic but hard to judge with some of the MTSOs out there if it is really the employee or if the employee is just tired of sitting around for a scheduled time with no pay. I have never worked any other career where you were expected to show up to work with no pay.
There is no harm in communicating with your MTSO. sm - jw
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Our company is not so hard-nosed as far as realizing the reality of the situation. I think it is better to ask and be up front about your plans. Some of our MTs "tell us" what they are doing, and then they are gone with the wind before anyone can say whether that works with our schedule or not. Others don't tell us anything. There are very few that "ask" and are courteous about it all. We are all parents, so we understand the needs of family. But the reality is that if these people worked for an office or a hospital, they would have to ask and submit PTO forms to get off. There really is no difference ultimately.

?? -and yet we're expected to wait around for - sometimes days when no work is there?

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Talk about a double standard.....

ETHICS?? - significant

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you have the nerve to bring up ethics?

16 years ago I was making 13 cents a line, typing over 1500 lines a day, had my health care paid for, and in the hospital setting had doctors who appreciated what our MT pool did, (making them sound 'good' as opposed to a lot of jibberish at times). They in turn gave us gifts on the holidays and took pretty good care of us.

I don't know if 'you' are one, so not directed totally at you unless if fits: But these MT companies now are hiring slave labor ~ you cut our pay almost in half, sell out to the cheapest labor hiring MTs overseas for 46 cents an hour in some cases, you slice the health coverage by making us pay at least 50% of the cost for premiums, and then of course out of pocket is about 10 times more than that cost.

you take holidays away little by little over the years.

you make us use our printers, paper, and materials to print anything we need in the way of human resources, on our own time of course.

you throw the absolute most hideous dictators to American MTs and hand over on a platter the easy dictators to foreign MTs and supervisors.

you continually find ways to cut pay for the MTs that you do still have, giving them NO incentive to work for you in the first place, because in case you are that naive, "just be happy/lucky to have a job" doesn't pay the bills.

you offer no guarantees for work but insist on an MT working over a 12-hour period i 1 day on the slight chance there may be work.

your CEOs making millions of dollars and care nothing about the actual blood, sweat, and tears of MTs and what they go through.

I could go on and on about the mistreatment of MTs. Personally, if the MTs at your company are not performing the way you like, here is a novel idea: TAKE IT UP WITH THEM individually and personally. Yes, that's right, do YOUR jobs. Never have I seen such lazy managers or severe avoidance behavior when it comes to mentoring or helping MTs to grow.

I don;t feel sorry for you at all because you are no doubt not paying a cost of living to MTs (here's a bit of info you might now be aware of: gas prices are up, food prices are up, utilities are up, medical care is out of the realm of reasonable, and you keep lowering MTs pay).

Why don't you just take all your work overseas - please do. Your work ethics belong over there, not here in this country.

If you can't get MTs to work their schedules, there is something wrong with You not Them, unless you are just on here admitting you have no control over your own company.

Have I missed anything ladies about our side of the work 'ethic'
Significant -Ethics - me
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Yep, you missed the part about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
What you project is what you get in return. - nm
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As long as you play the victim, that is what you will get in return. It is the Law of Attraction.
You have not missed anything... great post (see message) - lka
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but, unfortunately I think the MTSOs are like the politicians, talking out of both sides of their mouth, side-stepping the issues. I can so relate to that great salary you made 16 years ago, and with health benefits to boot. Yes, we were well taken care of and respected. How sadly now, that everything is about money (for the rich, weather you are an MTO or another corporate leader) where everyone has outsourced work, all in the name of money. I can't believe we call ourselves the "United States" when it should be called the "Forsaken United States." What a country eh!

When I'm not it, it's because I'm already out looking - for a better job than this. (n/m)

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working scheduled shifts - sm

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Ought to be set up that you could ONLY access the system and get work during your shift. If you run out and need to make up work, or if they need overtime this should have to go through the main office and approved prior to just letting people get on willy-nilly. Bet more people would work their assigned shift if this way. Just dreaming, but...

don't forget about need to flex - TransTech MT

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The MTSO should be as willing to let us "flex" as we are required to be "flexible" when there is no work. The only thing is when there is no work, there is NO PAY, and really gets into family life time, etc.

I realize how difficult it must be to schedule such tight TAT as these MTSOs bid on accounts now, but it is just not right to hire more MT's when work is so scarce, 100 jobs to be transcribed / edited is really nothing compared to how many MT's are working on the account. It is the VERY TIGHT -- within minutes or hour of TAT -- in order to be competitive now days, I guess.

This industry has changed drastically over the past 5 years, as we all know.

Have a nice evening.

Flexing - TTer too

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The MTSO should be as willing to let us "flex" as we are required to be "flexible" when there is no work. The only thing is when there is no work, there is NO PAY, and really gets into family life time, etc.

Reply: I agree. You basically have a situation where a company is saying someone is an employee, but treating like they are an IC. At least if you are an IC you can set your own schedule and if you find that maybe 1 place does not have enough work for you, you can always find more work and work your own schedule and your days/time off. I despise having the carrot of PTO dangled in my face only to feel like I have to jump through hoops to get it. It's just a total waste of my time and my skills to play that game.

If required to sit 8 hours, should be paid hourly. - NM

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That would be no different from employees who are required to show up at an office and work their shifts.

I agree...sm - SassyPants

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NJA wouldn't be so bad if we were at least paid minimum wage, whether employee or IC. At least this way, we got the "bare bones" minimum whether we were busy as heck or deader than dead all day/shift.

I'd gladly take $7/hr (or whatever minimum wage is now) and then get paid no matter what. Line count minimums aside, if you make under that at least you get paid something. That measly minimum wage isn't much to MTSO anyway. And if they really wanted "flex" or weekend/2nd/3rd coverage then offer an incentive, like minimum wage per hour plus 0.001 cpl for any lines over a set amount. One cent sucks for sure, but at least you'd get the minimum.

My last paycheck came out to $6.83/hour. What a joke! Last Saturday, I was logged in for my 6-hour shift and had 6.reports.all.day.

How can they expect us to "flex" when everybody would log out during NJA and then log back in when it got busy, we would still all be working the same pool at the same time fighting for work and we'd still scrape the bottom of the pool. Not to mention, that I cannot go over 40 hours/week ever (unless approved ahead of time which is rare), so I only have 4 hours of "flexing" as it is because I'm already scheduled for 36 hours/week, which comes out to less than an hour a day more. After NJA all day, the last thing I wanna do is be logged in for more hours. Give me work when I am working or too bad for you when I'm logged out and then it gets busy.

It's like working in a store all day with no customers and then 50 people walk in at closing time! No thanks!!

At this rate, I'll go work at the mall for Christmas help.
SEE FLSA, I believe you may be entitled to at least min wage - know-your-rights
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ref item 4

ref all

Maybe this helps?

I don't think that applies to home workers. - sm
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Home workers are a different classification, and that is why it can be paid by piece work - originating mainly for the privilege of being to work at home.
Home workers are not excluded from this law - I know because
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When my company (not the MTSO this thread is about) was consistently running low on work and telling us to "flex" I didn't think it was right so I called the Department of Labor (federal) and asked what the law was. I explained that I was paid by the line and that I worked from my home with a set schedule. She said the key point was if I had a SET SCHEDULE it didn't matter whether my job was hourly paid or by CPL the law applies. She also said that it didn't matter where I worked from because your workstation can be in an office or out of your home, but you are still an employee because you have a set schedule.

If you are an independent contractor and do not have a set schedule this may not apply to you.

The point she kept making was I was considered an employee because I had a schedule that the company expected me to adhere to. She went on to explain that the method in which my pay was calculated, by hour or by production, did not matter to this law.

Just wondering - why they do it - me

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They do it because they have no integrity. Integrity means DOING WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO.

Definition of Integrity - TransTech MT

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BUT the MTSO has integrity when they require a schedule from an MT, but have no work for the MT and does not pay the MT for waiting for work? Isn't that similar to the MT disappearing for hours???? -- the work DISAPPEARS for hours and sometimes even pushes the MT into the weekend to make up their time/lines (no prior notice from the MTSO) -- didn't ask MT if okay to have no work when our schedule starts -- No, unknown until the very moment the MT logs in and NO WORK -- no notice whatsoever from MTSO -- or even happens during the MT's shift, No jobs for _____

There are usually 2 verses to a song, 2 sides to a story $.$.$.$.$.$.$

I wish the home-based MT's had the PAID holidays back -- yearly holidays on paper ONLY -- dream on ...

Probably working their 2nd jobs, so they can pay - their bills with all the NJA going around. nm

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If the MT is working weekends to make up hours and that is my shift, - where does that leave me??

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I went from full time to part-time 3-4 months ago and it was okayed by the MTSO and all of a sudden there is hardly any work for me. I just love getting an email from the MTSO with the backlog of 1???? What a great way to start the day! (NOT) for me it is.

I work the 2nd shift Friday thru Sunday. I never get a bonus or reward for that. In fact, when I went from full time to part-time they said they had to CUT my lph... can you imagine that? When I said I am already working the hours that MOST MTs do not work, why would you even think of doing that... here I am a "cream of the crop" MT and treated like I am a nothing... It just irritates me to no end, and believe me, I would quit in a heartbeat, but I am approaching the age of 63 and need that money to live on. I cannot believe after all these years that I am making half of what I make in 1994. I don't have the energy or stamina anymore to look anymore for anything. I am also one who always communicates, would never just not show up or tell them what my plans are. I committed myself to these days and hours, but what do they commit to me... no work half the time.

That's a management problem. - sm

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If people continually get NJA on their shift and have to make it up by flexing (and imposing) on other's shifts, then it is a management problem.

I can fully understand the occasional slowdown in work at holidays, etc. But this continual NJA means that the MTSO is overhiring just so TAT is met. If the MTSO is seeing a problem with OTAT on certain shifts, get rid of those not working their schedule instead of hiring more. It just doesn't make sense.

BINGO! Had 2 jobs, now have 3 jobs - out of work MT

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My main job kept running out of work and my company would just tell us to keep checking back and to flex our time. But I'm sorry, flexing doesn't pay the bills because there was no work later either!

Then, I got a part time second job in addition to my main job. Different company but same story, running out of work and told to flex our time.

So now, I have taken on yet a THIRD part time job, in addition to the other two. Between the three of them, I seem to now have a full day's work, but it's not fun jumping about between 3 different companies and 3 different platforms all day long in order to try to get in my full 8 hours of work every day.

Personally... - anon

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If they didn't request that time off, I would consider that a breach of contract.

I think most people are forced into schedules that sm - RoadRunnerMT

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are not necessarily their choice nor what works with their family life. If we want a job these days, we have to take what we can. I am sure some of the employees on set schedules would prefer IC if possible. I know I would.

I have to admit. I am not on every so often on my scheduled shift but if I am varying just an hour or two, I don't feel it is justified to contact someone each and every time or if errands took longer than expected as I am also on many, many more times than my schedule and very frequently in the 2nd/3rd shift and weekend shift hours without the differential.

On 2nd/3rd shifts, there is not enough pay differential for those shifts and the havoc that comes along with it. I was happily working 3rd shift until I realized how little the differential was adding up. Not worth my body and family suffering for 1-2 dollars more per night. Many nights, I ran out of work about 3 a.m. but yet I am expected to stay awake and check back every hour in the middle of the night?

I have wondered, RoadRunner, what sacrifices parents - Pragmatist

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of small children might be making to work swing and graveyard. As an empty nester, I've been willing to move to graveyard (even tho not as easy to change sleep patterns at my age), but the differential offered these days by my company, like yours, is totally not worth it.

BTW, I am like you also in coming on when needed and working weekend days, and even holidays, without necessarily worrying about differential, also when work piles up. I also often go away when work is slim and leave it to others and am there when it is normal or heavy.

This seems to work well for my employer, and certainly for me, even though it's not how it's stated in the employee manual, but I had the chance to establish a record of being there when needed. Many others feeling a leash tight around their throats will hopefully eventually gain the trust of their supervisors and move on to a pattern nicely workable for both parties.

I do have to say, though, I was fortunate in being able to apply to this company with the name of a good supervisor to work under and put that in my list of what I wanted if I were hired.

More trading of names of good people to work under on this forum would be very valuable.

Are they disappearing after they've run out of work? - sm

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My question for MTSOs is why do they expect MTs to sit around all day when there's no work but yet not pay them for being "required" to sit there twiddling their thumbs. You can't have it both ways. If there's no work & you don't want to pay them to sit there & hope something comes in, then don't complain if they don't.

Perhaps (sm) - Long time MT

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They have a bad work ethic? Maybe they have only ever worked from home and don't understand that you must show up for work when scheduled? They want to have their cake, i.e., benefits, and eat it too, i.e., come and go as they please? I've seen that behavior when I was working as a team leader. It's profoundly irritating. I've always told my remote supervisors that if I'm not logged on at my scheduled time to please call me, and if there is no answer, call 911 because that probably means I'm incapacitated or dead.

As ususal, the MTSO is always the bad guy - fmrtl

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When your account runs out of work and you cry because you can't make your lines, do you ever offer to help out when the work load is out of control and your Team Lead is calling you and asking you to help out? "No, sorry, I can't." Fine, then when your paycheck is nil and you had an opportunity to work and didn't that's YOUR fault, not the MTSOs. Come on ladies, hone your work ethic, put on your big girl panties, suck it up and work when there IS work available. And those bonuses that are offered, maybe you aren't offered one because you can't sit in your chair long enough to do 5 reports in your 8-hour shift and aren't available to help out when needed.

As usual the MTO is making a lot of assumptions - lka

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I am not one of those that says, "no sorry, I can't." If I run out of work on my 8-hour shift I check back periodically until the end of my shift. I also send an e-mail to the MTSO letting them I am out of work again and I NEVER get any kind of an answer from them. Why can't they at least be honest and say they over-hire and are so worried about their TAT. Also, I may not be the only one running out of work on my shift of Friday thru Sunday 2nd shift. They sure are quick though to cajole us to hop on board and get the work while it is beginning to build. I would like some respect and a decent salary for being one of the "cream of the top" producers in my opinion. I would like a raise also after 14 months. That though seems to fall on deaf ears!! I am SO sick of the games they play.

Excuse me... - but

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I believe I speak for many of us as well as myself when I say that I am here, for work, every day, on time. In the last 4 weeks, I have had ONE, exactly ONE, day of 8 hours of continuous work. I am in this chair 7 days a week trying to get my 40 hours in. Yes, when I run out of work I check back for the rest of my shift. Yes, I flex. Yes, I respond to the plea for extra help (oftentimes, even then, though, there is nothing to do). And my messages to my CCM about my running out of work usually go ignored.

Don't come on here and make assumptions like that about anybody. If you are one of the ones who is fortunate enough to always have work, be very grateful. You never know. It may not last.

This is true and (SM) - CaMT

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Furthermore, I myself sit here and read emails from the account managers/leads literally BEGGING (yes, even they themselves use the word BEGGING in their emails) for the scheduled MTs to please sign on and work as scheduled. It just makes my skin crawl that adults have to be "reminded" when they are supposed to be on and working their shift.

I usually sit here thinking to myself, "Just fire them already and replace them with reliable MTs who know when they're supposed to be working and SHOW UP!!!"

It gets so amazingly frustrating for me (and others, I'm sure) to sit here reading emails begging employees to please sign in and work when I know from these boards so many good, dependable, qualified MTs are desperate for work right now and wouldn't take the job for granted.

You certainly make a lot of assumptions... - that it is the MTs fault...

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I am sick to death of the condescending way you tell people to "put on your big girl panties" These people have LEGITIMATE gripes and it is disgusting when people try to trivialize problems and say it must be the MT being irrational. There are a LOT of problems in MT these days - even a blind man could see that. To blame the MTs because of the lack of scruples displayed by MTSOs is disgusting.

When I was a Team Lead for a big company, I can't tell you - sm

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the number of times I had to call MTs and ask why they had a job sitting for almost 2 hours. Several times I heard, "Oh, I had to run an errand" or "Oh, I had to make a phone call". Better yet, you call an MT and ask why they aren't on as scheduled and hear, "I forgot I was supposed to work today". If you don't want your job please give it to someone who actually wants to work. The majority of MTs are on as scheduled, do the job and don't complain. The poor work ethic of some MTs would NOT be tolerated in-house and they would be fired in a New York minute. If you are so unhappy with your line rate, the ESLs, the NJA times, please get out of the business. If you want to be a martyr and stick it out then don't complain.
We are NOT martyrs! - We just want to WORK!!
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Perhaps you can tell us, then, as a former team lead, why these companies overhire and therefore leave so many people with no work!! Why should anyone just sit for hours on end with no work when they are not being paid to sit and wait for work? I also love it when I respond to their plea to put in extra time, and then I log in to help and there's still no work.
As competitive as the business is, we have to use strategies. - sm
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It's just business practices that are necessary to compete with other companies.
And what business practices might those be? - sm
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Would that be the practice of telling people they will have plenty of work when they are hired, then let them sit there with no work and no pay while they wait for work? Hmmm...
My take on this - Just observing the posts
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My take on this is that it's a combination of things that results in the overhiring.

I think it's safe to assume, just based on the MTSO I work for, that there are more than a handful of MTs who fail to show up for their shift and don't bother to call or communicate in any way with their account manager. This creates a shortage which in many cases can put the work out of TAT.

I think some of the MTSOs probably overhire because they know going in that some of the MTs they've hired are going to prove out to be unreliable and inconsistent. Put 2-3 of those unreliable, inconsistent MTs on an account, and it's a recipe for disaster what with falling out of TAT, etc.

To me, the solution is obvious. As soon as the MTs fail to show up for their shift, treat them as an in-house employee would be disciplined. Start with a verbal warning, and then 3 subsequent written warnings, and then TERMINATE those MTs. This would free up a lot of positions for those MTs who DO want to work, who WILL show up for their shift, and who WILL sit there and work for their entire shift without leaving to run errands, chat on the phone, etc.

It just really frustrates me to see so many GOOD MTs desperate for work, and to know there are flaky ones out there who treat the job as if it's optional. On one hand, I can see why MTSOs INITIALLY overhire for an account; however, what I fail to understand is why they don't terminate the problem MTs to make room for the reliable ones.
I hope "they" can sleep at night with those necessary business practices!..That is HOGWASH - nm
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Why to companies hire for certain schedules, and there is no work and expect - us to sit around and wait or flex? nm

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Why do MTSOs keep us sitting for 8 hours with no work? - I wonder......nm

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How is the MTSO supposed to keep you in work? - sm

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If the docs aren't dictating THERE IS NO WORK. Some of you don't seem to understand how this works. When the grocery store runs out of bread because the delivery is late or the shipment is delayed, is that their fault? An MTSO just can't call the hospital and make the docs dictate. People, wise up and grow up. If you run out of work request a 2nd or 3rd account. Be willing to do ALL work types. Maybe you run out of work because you won't do op notes or cardiology work and that is all that is available. Maybe you aren't willing to come back when the work is available. Please stop blaming your company because you refuse to adjust your time accordingly.

Sometimes, there's no work because the MTSO greed and shipping the - work to other countries. nm nn

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The grocery store in your example would not send its... - ndmt

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cashiers home because there was no bread to sell. They would pay them to wipe down the checkout lanes, face shelves, or wash windows...something.

Like ALL those things MTs do for free as in reviewing QA feedback, doing computer maintenance, cleaning out their e-mail, updating account specifics, etc.

A grocery store also would not hire 3 times as many people its needs on 1 shift to sell bread only to have them check back 3 or 4 times during the next shift so see if the bread showed up and can now be sold.

Most people who still do MT have long passed the point where they do all work types and have requested backup accounts. Please stop blaming MTs for expecting the business to be run as a business.

BTW, it is kind of implied if they hire you they plan to keep you in work. - ndmt

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NDMT...if there is no work, there is no work... - sm
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TT does not offshore so you can't use that excuse. If you have been an MT for any length of time you should know that volume always drops off around the holidays. Please give a valid suggestion on how your MTSO can get more work for you?
You asked how an MTSO was supposed to keep you in work. - ndmt
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I simply stated that as in other jobs, there are elements of every job that are "work" but are not necessarily always revenue producing. Your example was that the bread truck didn't show up. The store - even if all it does is sell bread - cannot just close its doors and say come back later when and if the truck comes. Why??? Because their employees will quit if they are sent home every time the bread truck is late. So, the really smart bread store owner puts it in his overhead to pay his employee even when the bread truck isn't there. That is my only point. Any other business that tried to run as the MT business does, i.e., literally "sending their employees home" the instant it was slow would have to close its doors.

As far as offshoring and who you work for, I didn't bring that up, so you will have to find nn.
What do you want to do other than type.... - sm
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Pray tell, what kinds of things would you do from home with no one monitoring your work and prove that you are doing it in order to get paid for it? Examples please.
Simmer down. I have given a list above of the things I do that are - ndmt
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work related (and actual work) that I already do without being monitored by my boss or even being paid for.

Again, all I am saying is, if an MTSO hires you to go to work, you should have a reasonable expectation of working and being paid for it. If there is no work at the minute/hour/day, as in any other job, you should still have a reasonable expectation of being paid. As long as you are signed in for your shift, you are at work.

Now the company has a choice and a responsibility in this. If there is so much time the company is paying people for not working that they could not possibly afford it, they are clearly overstaffed and need to reduce their workforce. Simple common sense.

As far as proving that I am taking downtime to do computer maintenance or review and update my account specifics, I would like to think that my employer could trust me. I can't PROVE the line counts that my employer gives me are right but I like to think they are not screwing me over.

No need to "simmer down", more like you should - sm
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perhaps find another career where your skills would be much more appreciated. Obviously you are a stellar employee and feel you are worth your weight in gold. Maybe an in-house job so you can get the respect, pay and praise you think you deserve? If you know this is the nature of the beast yet still complain, why stay in this profession>
No, this is what YOU would like the profession to be. I would like to see... - ndmt
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it improved to where MTs are treated with respect and not told leave the profession or get over themselves when they advocate for something better. Hopefully then people like you will be a distant memory.
Wow, loved this debate. I believe you win, no message - noname
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What the MTSO can do - AgingMT
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Way back when MQ was a slightly smaller company, we had a "numbers cruncher" whose job it was to analyze the work flow and see where MTs were needed. In fact, I think her title was work flow coordinator or something like that. She explained to me how she would analyze the work coming in, averages of MT production, when the work was highlest, lowest, etc., and then make recommendations on where staffing was needed. I don't know all the ins and outs of how she did it, but I will say that was at a time when we rarely if ever ran out of work and we rarely if ever went out of TAT.

On a side note, have MTSOs done any studies on how much revenue they lose when they have to keep hiring and training new workers because MTs keep jumping ship to find work elsewhere? I wonder if they could spend the same amount of $$ paying for down time, figuring out the work flow a little better and end up with much happier and productive MTs. Just a thought.
Here's what I would like to see.... - sm
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MTs who are professional who will do any and all work types that comes to them, realize that there are times when volume is low and to expect to have to flex their time. Please contact your employer sooner than 10 minutes before your shift starts that you are ill and won't be working that day. Treat the job like an in-house one and have enough respect for you and your employer to have a good work ethic. If you are so adamant about your line rate, whether or not the company outsources work overseas, or whether or not you get paid for downtime I suggest you do a little research on that company rather than just taking the job, reading the paperwork and then complaining about it later. As I've said before, this profession has been watered down by all of the ads claiming one can make a wonderful living being an MT. Anybody who types thinks they can do this job; not true. This has become a profession of lazy employees who think working at home in their jammies and being able to get up and do laundry, tend to the children or even run an errand whenever they want is professional.
I know MTs who make $50,000 to $60,000 a year and no, they don't work 24/7. They have a professional attitude about the job and treat it as such. They use their word expander, learn the software they work on like the back of their hand, do the difficult work, and take advantage of downtime when it happens.
You keep talking about MTSOs respecting the MT; you get the respect you deserve. Coming to an anonymous board and complaining all the time is so very unprofessional. I've always wondered if any of you doing the most complaining have addressed these issues with your account manager or Team Lead, using the same language you use on this board. I don't believe most of you have the guts to do it.
Reply sm - nonameme
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MTs who are professional who will do any and all work types that comes to them, realize that there are times when volume is low and to expect to have to flex their time.  This is a good point. I wonder how you'd feel if you all of a sudden had to work on days you were supposed to be off on and had plans for previously, and because of so much flexing, have to work every single day just to make 40 hours.

Please contact your employer sooner than 10 minutes before your shift starts that you are ill and won't be working that day.  It would be nice if the employer can contact the MT that there is no work sooner than when the MT sits down to work his/her shift.

Treat the job like an in-house one and have enough respect for you and your employer to have a good work ethic. If it were an in-house position, this debate probably would hever never started because we'd be paid for down time.

 If you are so adamant about your line rate, whether or not the company outsources work overseas, or whether or not you get paid for downtime I suggest you do a little research on that company rather than just taking the job, reading the paperwork and then complaining about it later.  When starting out at MQ, many years ago, they did not offshore. Personally, after being with the company after 6 or 7 years, they got bought out by an Indian and offsored, and I did my research before taking the job. A lot of MTSO start out not offshoring and then decide to do so later. We'd need a crystal ball to be able to know whether or not the company we hired on with are going to offshore later on down the line.

As I've said before, this profession has been watered down by all of the ads claiming one can make a wonderful living being an MT. Anybody who types thinks they can do this job; not true. Good point.

This has become a profession of lazy employees who think working at home in their jammies and being able to get up and do laundry, tend to the children or even run an errand whenever they want is professional. These reasons are many of the reasons that some MTs decided to go into this profession in the first place. If they wanted to, they could have gone in-house and "be professional." There are also a lot of in-house people who do not act anymore professional than home workers.

I know MTs who make $50,000 to $60,000 a year and no, they don't work 24/7. They have a professional attitude about the job and treat it as such. They use their word expander, learn the software they work on like the back of their hand, do the difficult work, and take advantage of downtime when it happens. A lot of the money and the speed also depends upon the work types, the platforms, whether or not they are being routed the easy work, whether or not they have a lot of ESL, the amount they get paid for each line, etc. There are a lot of variabilities that may affect the income that an MT is able to make. It may not have anything to do with just the attitude although attitude does make a difference.

You keep talking about MTSOs respecting the MT; you get the respect you deserve. This goes both ways.

Coming to an anonymous board and complaining all the time is so very unprofessional. I've always wondered if any of you doing the most complaining have addressed these issues with your account manager or Team Lead, using the same language you use on this board. I don't believe most of you have the guts to do it.  How do you know that some have not already taken it up with their account manager or team lead? That may be part of the frustration. Some supervisors do not even respond. Maybe you ought to spend more time being the good manager that you think you are rather than coming on her to harrass people for merely voicing their opinions.

You know, I agree with you. You say the profession has been watered down... - ndmt
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by all the ads claiming anyone can make a wonderful MT and not anyone who can type can do this work.

That is where I stop agreeing with you. I see this profession is full of MTSOs who apparently pay lazy employees to work for them, and then they get sick of the BS and paint everyone with the same demeaning brush.

I see the people on here "complaining" that they want more steady reliable work. The lazy ones are probably running errands or still sleeping instead of passing time in front of the computer.

I see people with 30 years experience saying they cannot get hired, and I see someone on the word board wondering if she should "capitolize" this word. (Okay that one might be an inappropriate MT for reasons other than lazy).

I see that I still feel I can change your mind about us disrespectful, lazy, big-headed MTs, so here is what I think you should do right now today.

Write up a warning on all the employees you have that are not meeting goal. (Coming to an anonymous board and complaining is so very unprofessional, and I wonder if you have addressed this issue with your employees in the same language you use here.) If they do not have it turned around in 1 month - fire them.

Then, contact all the rest of your employees and ask them if they would like to commit to more lines or the opportunity to work another account. Explain to them you are streamlining your operations and will not be hiring any replacements if the employees that are left can handle the current work load. Ask them if they would be available to flex or change schedules by an hour or 2 so you can get account coverage straightened out.

Once that is done, implement an attendance bonus for everyone who is logged on promptly at the start of their shift until the end. You could make the requirements anything you want - no job sits more than 2 hours, you have to call in at least X hours prior to your shift, no unexplained logging out for more than an hour, days off must be scheduled X in advance, etc. That way it is not a punishment when stuff happens but a bonus for the reliable people you value so much. AND MAKE IT JUICY - not 0.000000X CPL. Make it a $1 an hour or something. This really does work.

The money will be there from paying fewer health insurance premiums, etc., no TAT penalties, and fewer support personnel needed in the office. Commit to sharing the savings with your employees (sorry, nothing for management on this one).

Now, you are an MTSO that GOOD MTs WANT to work for. You offer a better deal than everyone else but expect professionalism in return. You are an MTSO who does not get out of TAT because your employees are there when they are supposed to be and rewarded for it - which, BTW, your clients love. Your employees know their accounts forwards and backwards because there is at least some small incentive to sit and do "housekeeping" for an hour or so with no jobs, yet they know it won't be long before jobs start coming in since the accounts are not way overstaffed. You are an MTSO where flexing is not a freaking way of life but an exception.

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