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ST pay - are you getting ripped off? - wheresmymoney

Posted: May 31, 2012

Once again, my pay doesn't match the pages I calculated.  And of course it looks like I ended up in the lower pay scale which means even less per page.  I figure my pay is about $55 short this time.  But if you try to ask the Divine Ms. M, she just tells you her figures are right.  We have no way of checking or verifying our page counts with what they come up with.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Is there anything that can be done about it?

about the pages - - curious

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I have never figured out how they calculate our pages. My count has never matched the count they come up with, though sometimes their calculation is more and some times less than mine, so I figured it balances out.

But you are right, we should have some way to know how many pages are being credited each day for the pay period so if there is a miscount for that day we can clear it up then, not when the paycheck comes.

I also think our paycheck should show us how much PTO time we have earned. Other companies who use ADT provide this, so I know it can be done.

about the pages - sm

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I'm not even sure if the cutoff is at 4:00 or 5:00 p.m., I've been told both.

Hands-On - WorkerBee

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Anyone have any info on Hands-On. I think they are out of Pennsylvania. Supposedly just got a new account with 200 physicians. No voice recognition, but 6.5 cpl and editing is hourly (don't know how much). They mail your checks, no direct deposit. I just need a little something extra as my other account can run out of work at times. TIA. Sorry I had to post off your question, I cannot seem to be able to create a post ???

Hands-On Transcription - oldMT

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I would try M-Modal or one of the other big companies with more work and direct deposit. You will get a higher line rate too. Expert Transcription is another good one for part-time.

Hands-On - WorkerBee

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Thanks for the tip. I was a bit surprised at how low (6.5 cpl) they paid. I have never worked for that low of a cpl. I am looking for something to supplement and I have worked for M*Modal when they were Medquist and I would rather work for 4 cpl than work for them ever again. Actually that is about what you do make when you work for MM. If they give me decent work and flexible hours, I will give them a try. I am always looking around. They don't use voice which is a plus as well. Bayscribe seems pretty decent as well. You have to pick your battles with these companies anymore! Things just ain't the same :o)


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Yes, I spent two horrible weeks with them, no contract, drove me crazy with the pickiness and stupid boxes you fill in and all the details that does not pay anything for your time. They canned me for filling in a box wrong and driving their poor QA people nuts. My pay was cut in HALF and they are ignoring me. Don't work for them. They are pompous, greedy and selfish.

wheresmymoney - sm

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Your money is probably in the same place mine is, in the owner's bank account. There seems to be no reasoning with her either. There is one thing you can count on if you email her though, one of those short rude responses IF she responds at all.

I left for that very reason - do not mess with my pay

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After a few pay periods where our numbers didn't match, I was told her numbers matched her numbers and that was all that mattered. When I asked how much PTO I had (several times) I was never given an answer.

I think the DOL would be happy to hear about an MTSO who puts 75 hours on the paystub no matter how many hours you worked.

ST pay - SM

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Yes, I have had this same problem and I get the same answer. No idea what could be done about it, though.

Please tell what MTSO this is - thanks! - MT55

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Yes!! That is just so irritating seeing stupid - sm

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initials and vague insinuations, but no actual name to warn us!!!!

Silent Type - nm

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And that is exactly why you should say who it is - sm

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to start with!! I thought you were goign to say StenTel

oh - my

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you do know this is going on all over the place right? having just recounted verbatim the experiences I have had. we can do something about it. Get in touch and let's brainstorm.

Okay, I've read this post a couple times - sm

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I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you work at Silent Type?

Yes - OP

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Yes, original poster (me) is talking about Silent Type. If you are asking about the poster just ahead of your post, I don't know for sure if they work there. And someone posted earlier about Hands On in the middle of the thread; I guess they were having trouble getting a message to post. Hope this clears things up.
Thanks OP - sm
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Yes, I get that you work there. It was the oh - my post that had we wondering.

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